Urgent treatment of disease dish from chicken

According to the nutritionist, in addition to the substances (albumen), fat, chicken also has vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, calcium, acid, phosphorus, and iron. This is the kind of high-quality food, the human body easily absorbed and digested.

According to Oriental medicine, chicken has a sweet review, non-toxic, nutritious, healthy lungs. This meats also cure white blood, chains, tape seat, scourge, is Yin foods for taste, blood gases, Bhikkhu and kidney.

Juniper diseases treatment dishes from chicken.

In particular, the chicken has the effect of supplements for people on long term sick stomach, being South Korean style, the decline does not absorb food. In addition to additional blood gases, chicken also help except for style.

Protein and complex of amino acids in chicken has a positive influence on the brain, encouraged morale, reduce anxiety, stress, as well as improve blood pressure and heart rate.

Urgent treatment of disease dish from chicken

Treatment of body weakness, not goals

Stewed chicken with cardamom powder pepper instrumental: Rooster 1 child, 2 cardamom fruit, turmeric powder (or fresh turmeric) 3 g, 6 g, pepper 3 g instrumental, add the onions, vinegar, sauce and the appropriate amount of water, Cook the quinces, eat when hungry.

Facial edema, edema of hands legs

Chicken Casserole sausage sub beans: yellow feather ri hens (message stats) 1 child, chains, 3 g cardamom 30 g bean Emirates. Chicken clean, all in a pot, add water, salt, sauce, fresh ginger, onions live; heat to boiling, simmer flame for nine quinces, eat several times. For the case of minimum nursing cause edema of the face and limbs.

For the elderly

Chicken: chicken drums (hero) 150 g, 210 g flour, 15 g onion powder, pepper, ginger, other spices with the proper dosage. Chicken with onions, pepper, ginger and other spices are blended to make hash.

Flour water tempered, rolled into the cake. Do have the same chicken pie spices, boiled or steamed, do the main meal, eat when hungry, day 1 time in 1 phase 5-10 days. For elderly gentlemen skinny, weak damage Bhikkhu dry skin nhẽo.

Treat debilitating skinny, blood damage after birth

Royal Mail statistics favour, Sanskrit: hens (message stats) 1 child, white rice (Mí Sanskrit) and with appropriate amounts of Cypress. Chicken clean, remove the intestines, for rice and chicken belly in stitches, add water, spices, cooked food. For the case of debilitating skinny, damaged blood after birth.


People who have local hypersensitivity, allergies such as asthma, rheumatism easy rash reaction, rash, shortness of breath while eating chicken skin, chicken liver; When do the Poached Chicken, Chicken Casserole, add fresh ginger batter fuse or sliced as a spice and sensitive folk experience.=



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