Use hair dye-you are 'Welcome' cancer

Hair dye is currently very unpopular.

Expression of hair dye allergies

The initial manifestations of the patient is usually intense itching, pimples in the scalp, watery, crust, can hair loss. Not a few patients spread all the face, scarring the deep black.

The condition may last for months or going to re many times. A few may experience complications of the infection. In particular, male patients were allergic to hair dye more than females.

Harm from hair dye allergies

Breast cancer

Para-phenylenediamine (PPED), a component has most of the categories in the hair dye has been shown to cause breast cancer. There was some other evidence shows that the use of hair dyes are related to breast cancer.

Bladder cancer and other cancers

The studies also showed that those who regularly dyed hair has the risk of bladder cancer and other cancers.

Cancer in children

If a women use hair dye in the short time before conception or during pregnancy, her child has a high cancer risk 10 times normal.

Dye hair for as long as possible, bold color, then the cancer risk as high.

According to research by the National Cancer Institute of America, dye hair for as long as possible, bold color, then the cancer risk as high. The cancer rate in women using hair dye 50% higher than those who do not take this medication.

Paraphenylenediamin is the type of chemicals commonly used in hair dyes. In the United States, medical experts have proved that Paraphenylenediamin cause allergies, eczema, asthma, gastric ulcer, skin redness, sensitivity to sunlight and can be fatal if severe poisoning.

Additives such as Propylenglycol and Isopropyl alcohol also causes no small harm. Prophylenglycol affect the liver, kidneys, brain, Isoprophyl alcohol can also cause depression, headaches.

According to the experts, those with a history of allergies should be cautious before intended to dye hair. Before staining, smears should try smoking in the face of the arm, track 1-2 days, if your rash is not recommended.=



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