Watermelon not only lose weight but also good for the eyes

Watermelon contains less calories (46 kg calories per cup), contains vitamin A and vitamin C (watermelon provided 17% of vitamin A and 20% vitamin C needed for your body each day). Watermelon is also very rich in fiber and potassium. Many people argue strongly viewed watermelon is a fruit or vegetable.

If you want to find out some really interesting surprising about watermelon, please remember the following.

Watermelon increases the power of the brain

Did you know that watermelon may help you boost your brain power? The fact is, watermelon is a great source of vitamin B6, an important nutrient that helps the brain to function normally. Moreover, the percentage of water in this delectable fruits are similar to the rate of water in the brain.

Watermelon contains high water content

Watermelon has a very high water content. According to the U.s. Department of agriculture USDA, watermelon contains 91.5% water, means eating fruit can help you be careful not to drink the water. Eating Watermelon or watermelon juice drink each day is one way of "delicious" to replenish water in this season, right?

Watermelon contains about 40 percent more lycopene than tomatoes live

One cup of watermelon contains lycopene more than 1.5 times the fresh tomatoes. Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps prevent free radicals damage cells and can improve your immune system. Moreover, this powerful antioxidant that has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer in the body.

Watermelon good for your eyes

Watermelon not much Vitamin A is good for your eyes. It helps strengthen your eyesight and protect your eyes from infection. Consume about 100 grams of raisins each day to keep your eyes healthy and your vision sharp.

Watermelon juice can reduce muscle pain

Much research suggests that watermelon juice can help relieve muscle pain, so it is a great drink after a workout extremely tired. The thing is, the watermelon is one of the foods that contain more citrulline, help improve the function of the arteries and reduce blood pressure. If you suffer from muscle aches, let's drink the juice. Before that, you should consultyour doctor first.

Watermelon help weight loss

Eat watermelon is a delicious and economical way to cleanse your body and lose weight. Watermelon contains fewer calories and high water content and this will help you lose weight. Can watermelon juice and dish lightly between the packed because it gives the body more minerals and water.

Watermelon protect you from UV rays

Watermelon high lycopene have powerful antioxidant properties. Lycopene helps protect you against UV, sunburn and skin cancer. That is an important reason to incorporate some watermelon into a daily diet.=



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