What kind of fruit to eat shell eat better than the gut

1. Peel the apples

Apple Peel is the kind of healthy crust good for health but you should consume. If you have the habit of peeling the apples before eating then please change this habit. Apple crust helps reduce symptoms related to cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing relatively cholesterol. Peel apples have rich fiber content, supports digestion.

Nearly half the Vitamin C in apples is located in Peel apples. In addition, research shows that antioxidants in the Peel apples more than Apple flesh, even more than some of the other fruits. There have been many manufacturers take Apple shell as raw materials to produce functional food.

Peel apples also protect you from diseases such as diabetes and heart problems thereby reducing blood fat. It also nourishes the muscles get you healthy.

2. Peel pears

Peel pears is one of those drugs that help clean the heart, lungs, except saltpeter expectorant used in Oriental medicine ... Used 30gr shell Chile water colors have the effect the lungs, cough cure leap retreats have phlegm. Crushed PEAR peel can treat swollen sores and wounds outside the skin. Peel pears fresh drinking water many times can poison bar target inflammation. When making a sa-slices cucumber, add at least shell Chile will put more and more delicious crunchy melon.

3. Peel grapes

Grape Peel contains much of the substance resveratrol than grape seeds and flesh, can reduce fat in the blood, thrombosis, arterial disease prevention, strengthen the immune system. Especially the flavonoids in grape purple, shell chemicals work reduce blood pressure. Peel grapes also contain many vitamins, iron ...

We had the grape Peel application research in food processing, used to treat high cholesterol, diabetes ...

4. Orange peel

Essential oil extracted from orange peel can be used in or used in addition to soothe some diseases, used to put in a solution of water, disinfect the sink because they have the effect of inhibiting the growth of bacteria and help the wound infection.

Orange Peel is very effective in treating cough expectorant and stomach. After eating you should hold orange peel to expose or dried for use. The water used for mixing orange peel from brake into the bathtub, and squeezed more essential oils from fresh bark mixed with salt for the bath water into smooth approval will help you sleep. Facial sauna with essential oil of orange peel with water has the effect of minimizing the unpleasant headaches. Also, the dish has more processing orange peel to prevent liver hospital, due to the composition of essential oil in citrus peel are excluded: LDL cholesterol cause harm to the body.

In addition, the scent of essential oils of orange peel also helps reduce the phenomenon of karma abdomen, bloating and overcome the lack of bacteria.

5. Instrumental

Tangerine rind contain many nutrients such as vitamin C, carotene, protein, can create more delicious taste. Instrumental has the taste, can treat bloating symptoms, coughing, phlegm. When cooking the broth can for a few slices of tangerine peel to add flavor and less fat.

6. Watermelon rind

Watermelon rind can do dissipate the heat and cooling, refreshing, watermelon rind better bowel. Oriental medicine uses watermelon rind Pickle juice and have the effect of thermal bar, dashed late mind, lower blood pressure. In addition the melon rind is also extremely good for anemia, dry throat, cystitis, kidney inflammation, expansion of the old liver profile.

7. Shell of melon

Melon shell is rich in vitamins and minerals. It has diuretic effects, reduce swelling, good for all people with diabetes. So when making a melon should be to shell.

8. cantaloupe Rind

Cantaloupe rind quite bitter but this bitter substance itself helps absorb vitamin C easier and helps the detoxification of the body. In addition, the cantaloupe rind also has antibacterial effects target inflammation.

Watermelon rind, Peel cantaloupe, melon rind boiled up after making a mannequin pickle mix 3 in 1 slimming effects very well.

9. Peel onion

You know the onion peels contain more antioxidants than onions. This crust contain large quantities of the substance quercetin is useful in reducing blood pressure and also prevent arterial plaque. You can add them to the soup as a way to increase the flavor. You can even it security along the water tunnel. However, you should remember not to eat the bark of live action.

10. Peel kiwi

You may not want to eat the Peel the kiwifruit, but there are plenty of antioxidants in the Peel the kiwifruit.

Peel the kiwifruit is especially good for your health, because it is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The components available in the the kiwifruit Peel has the ability to improve cardiovascular health and bring many benefits to the body.

11. Peel cucumbers

Eat cucumbers in shell will help you absorb vitamin C contained in melon, melon shell in plastic substance also helps strengthen the functions to detoxify the body.

Blue shell of chlorogenic acid-containing cucumber and caffeic acid, may be antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and stimulating role of leukemia. These people often suffer from sore throat can use cucumber Peel makes a very good medication.

12. Peel tomatoes

Substance lycopene in tomato shells have strong antioxidant effect, can prevent cardiovascular disease, enhance the body's immunity, cancer prevention. In addition, Peel tomatoes also help protect health very good.

13. Banana peels

In the banana peel contains the active ingredient for inhibiting fungi and bacteria. Banana peel can treat fungal infections due to itching skin. There is also information effects circuits, laxative.Banana peels to retire for more ginger crushed on anti-inflammatory analgesic, can use banana peels up limb massage can prevent chapped skin to the cold season. In addition, crushed dried banana husk powder can make cosmetics are very good.

14. almond Bark

A lot of people have the habit of peeled almonds before eating dried fruits. But almond bark is good for your health. It promotes the digestion process by which help you to get rid of the trouble of indigestion. The almond shell contains vitamin E and all the flavonoids needed. It is very helpful in reducing cholesterol in the body. You will not have to face the problems related to the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) if eating almonds in shell.

15. Lemon rind

Eating lemon peel seems to be bad idea, the song actually lemon peel back is one of the types of shells good for health, to help reduce the symptoms of all types of the disease. It cures cancer, reduce cholesterol in the blood and protect the body against rickets. It also improves bone health and oral health along with improving the power of your digestive system.=



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