You've been eating breakfast correctly?

The reason you have to eat breakfast and eating science.


Dr. Elizabeth Thomas, Faculty of medicine at the University of Colorado, said when the woman breakfast, they suffer from insulin resistance. Insulin resistance status is short in this study, when the issue becomes chronic, it would be a risk factor causes diabetes. Thomas said: "healthy breakfast will definitely bring benefits. It not only helps you with weight control, but also to avoid diabetes. "

Heart disease

A study published in July in the journal Circulation said eating breakfast helps to reduce the risk of heart disease in men from 45 to 82 years. The study also adds the skip breakfast contributes to hypertension, insulin resistance, high blood sugar.


Don't eat in the morning, lunchtime and evening should you have to eat more to get enough energy.

While active in the afternoon and evening are not much, the food will not keep up, causing digestive heat in your body on a rise, the amount of grease accumulated more and more. You will end up with obesity.

If you want to lose weight successfully, please bear with breakfast cereals rich in fiber. A study published in the journal of the American Medical Association (performed on more than 2,000 people in round 10 years) showed that people who eat a lot less weight gain than fiber. The cause is the fiber low calorie supply, simultaneously slowing the digestive process and reduces the feeling of hunger, appetite.

Stomach ulcer

Skip breakfast, wait until the new eating noon will cause the stomach in a State starved for so long. This makes room in the stomach secretes too much, so prone to inflammation, peptic ulcer ...

So should you eat in the morning?

Eggs are easy to buy food, affordable and very nutritious.


Eggs are easy to buy food, affordable and very nutritious. Egg brings many unexpected benefits for health, and help strengthen bones, memory and more effective in weight loss.


Cereals, according to experts in the Institute for the study of the blood, lungs, heart, American country grains in buffet breakfast will help improve health. Whole grains help complement many substances essential to the body such as fiber, iron, folic acid and zinc to help the body reduce the absorption of fat, salt, sugar and cholesterol.

Black bread

Black bread is very good for people who want to lose weight or keep as they have more fiber, less sweet and fatty than white bread.


Grapefruit in many research, eat half a grapefruit before each meal can help you lose weight faster, thanks to the amount of the substance has the effect of burning fat and insulin levels in the blood. Also grapefruit also moisturize the skin, enhances immunity and anti-oxidation.


Is the type of beta-glucan-containing, a type of fiber that are proven to help lower cholesterol when eaten regularly. On the other hand, oat is also very rich in omega-3, folate and potassium.


This type of fiber is proven to help reduce cholesterol when eaten regularly.

Sour milk

Greek yogurt is the dish tasty and nutritious, are used in both the main meal. This type of yogurt made from cream and milk are less dense and more decanting of water to many more ice cream. Greek yogurt contains more calcium and protein yogurt twice as often, full power supply for a whole day long.=



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