3 dishes that help men regain sexual desire

Decreased libido in men no small influence to family happiness.

As research shows, when men aged 40 cells of the testes begin to degenerate and are replaced by collagen fibers. The amount of testosteron gradually reduced drag according to the decline of libido, small and short penis again.

Decreased libido in men, there is a decrease in the production of testosteron (male sex hormone). This can lead to the decrease of demand relationships, decreased muscle mass, bone density, change in mood and energy reduction.

Reduce the desire of it, have no small influence to health as well as one of the causes leading to your family easy, family discord is not smooth, warm accents.

Here, three drug article very special men to help stimulate, enhance sexual desire in men.

Three drug tunnel North:


-Three three

-Voter model

– Figworts

-The circuit of Eastern subjects


How to do:

Three three 500 g, tri pattern, figworts, Eastern subjects, vessels are both 10 g, onions, spices, sugar, enough. Three organ removal, wash.

The herbs on the wash, into the cloth bag tied closed. For the tortoise into the pot, pour water, simmer until the same kits three three nine root is used.

Day 2 times, eat in 5 days. Three three tunnel has the effect sound investment potential in the ocean.

Jellyfish mixed sea Tran:

Dish help increase libido in men.


-Sea Jellyfish


-White sugar


How to do:

100 g sea, jellyfish (Instrumental) 10 g, white sugar, spices, vinegar, cooking oil enough. Chen dermatome washed, finely chopped. Sea jellyfish washed, finely chopped fresh tea juice soak into 4-5 hours.

For the above into the bowl to mix is used. Should eat in 1 month, 1 day-1. Overcoming apathy syndrome dishes with sex, obesity, or nausea.

Black carp cooked Easter eggs, paint, pharmaceuticals:

Delicious and nutritious dishes (artwork).


-The black carp

-Ghost Costume





How to do:

500 g black carp, Ghost costumes, painted eggs, 50 g pharmacy 1 result, ginger, onions, spicy enough. Black carp cleaned, drained. Easter ghost, powdered pharmaceutical coating.

Beating the eggs into the flour, beaten. Africa Action and let fat fragrant carp FRY into the past, when the fish cooked, pour the egg mixture and 2 drug on the island, quickly, into North out, ginger, onions, spices to be used. Serve hot. The dish has the effect of additional blood gas analysis. People with sexual impairment, insomnia, anorexia is appropriate.=



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