5 simple moves that make rice cold in the bed turn into a 5-star love party, regardless of which couple are enchanted

Bathe together in the shower

Sometimes, invite him to take a bath in the hot weather. You and he can take a dip in the cool water, or take a shower in the shower. The spirit of both of you will be greatly restored when the cool water makes you feel refreshed, and perhaps a sublime "love" session is what you deserve. Sometimes changing the wind "love story" in the bathroom also helps you feel more excited in "that".

"Love" with cool stones

Let's break your love with cool ice cubes. You just need to have a glass of ice in your room, and for the ice cubes to cool your mouth and your mouth, your body will definitely feel new and there are many interesting things to discover. Waiting for you two in the night of passionate love.

Use pillows

To enhance desire and feel great sublimation from orgasm, couples should boldly change their "love" posture. The easiest way is to use pillows to change the position, creating new penetration angles. This is a huge difference from the traditional style.

Stop at the right time

This is a method of pausing and slowing down the speed of love suddenly just before reaching orgasm to create bigger orgasms later. Resisting the orgasm will push the next level of orgasm higher than before. This both makes the two of them have a wonderful experience and can extend the time of sweet moments.

Move location to love

Don't tie the fun with the familiar bedroom by boring space will make both of you unable to feel the whole excitement and excitement that the love brings. It is not a bad idea to move the fun to the bathroom with cool water or surreptitiously enter the kitchen if you don't know where to look for new things. If conditions permit, do not hesitate to accompany him to make a travel plan to warm his feelings and help the love to sublimate, bring orgasm back to you and quickly bring him to the top of excitement.



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