6 locations 'that' the most dangerous impostors

Please select the appropriate love places to avoid unwanted accidents.

The bathroom

You should be careful when sexual relations while bathing. Because very easy smooth polls, should you need to note avoid unnecessary accident. According to the survey, 2% of people reported suffering from fractures related to cases of love in the bathroom.

Under water

Improvisation, you can sexual intercourse at any time with many different sexual position is not dependent on the scene. So no wonder when the summer came, some people enjoy finding strange feelings by having sex in the bathtub or when a Man Thinketh buoy side swimming with your mates in the sea, in rivers.

These types of sexual behaviors as such can not be safe because, despite having brought a condom then nonoxynol-9 spermicides lather on how clean water also. The water in the bath or in the River, the sea has salt, chemicals or bacteria that should can cause irritation or infections, which cause temporary drying vaginal environment.

Love at work

Because the minute improvisation and he will leave consequences that extremely heavy. Your actions can the company camera recorded or colleagues caught and that would make you ashamed just want padded, did not want the company to do the work anymore.

The floor

Open space, don't fear the cọt stuck from the bed emitted during climax, many young couples to choose the method of "love" in the floor.

But you also have to know that this is a dangerous place than is ideal, because the floor is where a lot of bacteria and more as you can get hypothermia.

Sofa, kitchen

Sofa, kitchen results investigated by British researchers showed that the sofa is the most dangerous place to do "it". The cause was attributed around this location has a lot of glassware, mugs, Cup-like or disk on the table. When you are warm, can break these items and cause injury.

Love the balcony

Out on the balcony, roof, just "love" into heaven and Earth just to change the boring just takes place in the bedroom. This can help you to easily "reach the top". However, with the fall weather, the risk is very high. When "love" the body active, become weaker, easily hit by wind.=



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