Early death if in addition to 70 still ham love

(The Room)- To have health benefits to the elderly, we should warn them to stop having sex, never take more then happy to ham result regrettable ...

Recently there are some of you guys should talk to her parents went, when the instrument was beyond 70. My personal opinion is I don't agree with that. My comments are given based on both scientific factors and moral elements.

Some siblings again recommend for parents to go step further. I think aliens aged 70 has been regarded as the 1 's life. So instead of ham's pit somewhere, the instrument should take the rest take you is over.

I've seen the stuff he in demographic ages hybrid hy, tools are ready leave very of the society to the small hut in her only lover also by the age of his youngest daughter.

The Department is not respecting your children anymore, leaving his father. Midwinter, the old man dead on the mistress while straining clouds rain, kudos whole life also thrown away.

Early death if in addition to 70 still love ham. Photo illustrations

That in my neighborhood, when the old man would still pit ham, is that the children of embittered, filial sons, how many years don't hold. Spoiled children also originates part from the father.

The reason I don't agree with that encourage the elderly to go step further is in place: From the scientific aspects, fast women lose libido than men. That is almost to the age of 60, 99% of women Vietnam no longer desires. At this she only lives, care of grandchildren great-grandchildren.

Your desires, then 70, 80 can only be met by the woman his age, 50, 40. That's the hard thing morally acceptable.

Furthermore, the scientists also always advised the elderly gentle mobilization. That young people also get tired out, is that old people. Trying too into place. Should advice him to play sports, find the other pleasure.

I think we can impact by way of advice, confided to her parents about it. If those fathers having sexual desire and demand so high, can buy about sextoy for claims, ensure health as well as more ethical.

Thank you for listening to my comments.=



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