In addition to the 50, I have the secret to the room the better early

The room)- age is probably a great issue for many people in the story blanket pillows, but with my own, I always proactive and positive in that, because of a few private secrets.


In addition to 50, perhaps compared to the eastern part of today's readers then I have in an inch, has a driver. So, I write this post to share his experiences for the late set.

I currently run a private business. Despite this, I still use free time to surf the web every day, updating the information fresh from lag.

In the past days, I have seen young people arguing about the issue of age influence the quality of the rooms. You're young, this knowledge is also weak immature things easy to understand. So I thought I should share his insights to the you more mature.

The fact the women choose husband than his 14 years, then that is a problem. Because the age gap too far easier to make the point, the way as well as the health of both the discordant.

With the secret of his own, the couple always warm salty though we were many years old. Photo illustrations

I think the women should just pick her husband over her a maximum of 10 years, the most beautiful is in degrees from 4 to 7 years. Husband and wife in the same generation together will have the same ideology, easy to share together in all things.

A rule is old age, the more power is weak, this cannot be denied anyone. But, weak health also vary, but the elderly have no health as young, but the elderly do have other strengths.

For example, my adolescence with the intensity of youth, I and his wife always had the night too, on the fast, quick and continuous end.

But that does not make us feel happy and happy as when we love each other. The love with the slow speed, two people always pay attention to loving and gentle with each other, which made us feel real great.

So what's my tips? What makes my wife I have to say that everything is still better than all childhood?!

All is due did not Maul vập, the slow, the insight and interest in each other's gestures. Moreover, ever the prelude of the couple I also stretched enough to awaken all the senses in each other.

Just little things like that, but the young you seem to forget about this simple thing. Wish you choose to be your partner in harmony with themselves, and there are the genuinely happy!=



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