Interesting discoveries related to the 'closed zone'

The hymen vaginal door way about 2 cm

The hymen is a thin women in the vagina, back on in about a burned finger, making the vagina from 2-3 cm long, pale pink in color. The hymen is the membrane cover the vaginal opening.

Depending on the texture of the hymen tear, which could be easy or hard. There are even very thick hymen, cause difficulties in the relationship first, also had cases must the second, 3 new hymen broke. In my first relationship, the hymen often broke out, and a little blood flow.

The perception that masturbation, falls bicycle, horse, aesthetic exercise ... will cause tearing of the hymen, but actually this is wrong about medical knowledge. The injury usually causes injury over the pubic bone, coccyx, or to the edge of the rim of the vaginal opening, but not create deep trauma should not be causing hymen tear phenomena.

The minor injury can cause bleeding, but usually heal very fast (90% healed after less than 2 weeks), then the hymen still shape never occurs earlier trauma.

75% of women can suffer from vaginal yeast infections in my life

The yeast infection is a very common disease Gynecology in females. Women infected with fungi sometimes have no symptoms, there are up to 20-50% of healthy women when having Vaginal fungal test but do not manifest the disease.

About 75% of women often suffer from vaginal yeast infections at some point in life. Yeast infection is also a type of vaginal infection and is very popular, common in siblings with symptoms such as itching, vaginal swelling, vaginal smell, more ...

Deterioration of the immune system of the body is also a cause of vaginal yeast. The sisters often anxiety, stress, hormonal changes ... There is also the risk of fungal infection. In some cases, such as pregnancy, diabetes, treatment with some drugs (antibiotics), or oral contraceptive pill, vaginal yeast infection can occur.

Prevent vaginal yeast inflammation, the sisters should note:

Always keep the open closed and dry. Should not wear wet underwear and clothes or underwear material nylon. Avoid using regular douche.

Do not use antibiotics or regular stretching. If have diabetes: try to keep blood sugar at normal levels.

The clitoris has close to 8000 nerve endings

The vulva, or the door itself, located on the side of the labia, urethra hole below and above the anus, is the door that leads into the vagina. The clitoris is a block of hard tissue approximately 1.5 cm, has nearly 8000 nerve endings located in the middle and the top of the vulva, the clitoris is covered in part by where the two small lips.

It is the only human parts is designed to quickly achieve the sexual pleasures. When stimulation on the clitoris will make the woman quickly gain pleasure .

Vulva size people, related to the length and width of the female genitalia. The vagina does not have a fixed size, depending on the level of arousal, the phase of development of the women that it has different size. Not only that the possibility of vaginal dilation of very good, almost suitable for every penis.

The uterus can increase 500 times when pregnant

The uterus or fetus is a sexual reproductive organs of women. The uterus is located between the bladder and the rectum have pear-shaped inverted slope upper part is convex to the bottom of the uterus, called the lower part long called little cervix. Because the task of containing and nourishing, protecting the fetus, during pregnancy, the uterus of the woman there are many changes, most markedly in size.

Normally, the uterus is a pear-shaped. To the third month of pregnancy, the uterus has shape. From the seventh month onwards, the uterus is a pear-shaped upside down. The early months, the uterus to fade and pass out of the pelvis. From the 4th month they extended to both the abdomen. The uterus reaches the highest level at the time of the birth preparation and at the moment, the size of the uterus has increased many times compared to normal, could even rise to 500 times.

There are about 15 types of bacteria to "reside" in the "closed zone" of the woman

700 is the number of bacteria in the oral cavity. 12 million/cm2 skin is the number of bacteria reside on the scope of the hands and feet but have to 108-109 bacteria (the equivalent of a million million) live in the region of the "V" of women. "Pleading" is only about 20-30% of these are harmful bacteria and fungi, the rest is beneficial bacteria can function well-balanced ecosystem in the most sensitive region of the female body. However, the number of bacteria in just behind the colon.

The figures related to the bacteria that cause you to "staggering" not just stop there. When "closed zone" are not clean and properly then within 20 minutes, the amount of harmful bacteria will double compared to normal. If this condition lasts more than four hours, the harmful bacteria also increased 4096 times.

"The secret" of the woman which is where hidden by various types of bacteria, but this again creates environmental balance inside the vagina. However, there are about 15 types of bacteria "nesting" standing in this sensitive region. The presence of these bacteria create an acid environment in the inside and can affect the reproduction of embryos. =



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