Popular habits harmful to 'girl' you unexpected

There are very common habits, making "little girl" of you is affected.

Use of toilet paper to wipe the sealed

Many people often have the habit of using toilet paper to wipe the sealed after urinating. But this easy to make the sealed infested. Because the market is not toilet paper would also ensure the safety of the quality process. Many types of paper are recycled production make use of old paper, pollution, poor quality of bleaching to contain more bacteria.

When my sister used this kind of paper to clean the closed zone will create conditions for the bacteria invade, causing unbalance vaginal environment, making the infection being closed. When used too much toilet paper of unknown origin to lau, enclosed areas are very vulnerable to the gynaecological disease.

Eraser (shaved) hair

Many sisters have a habit of "cleanup" pubic by baptism, shaved to the sealed clean. However the fact that pubic hair has the effect of protecting the vagina from rubbing and infection.

When the sisters removed the pubic can hurt the region, closed due to the process of shaving, pluck or due to the sealed mud with underwear. This has created conditions for the bacteria easily invade and cause disease.

Up late

With the sisters often up late will cause physical and mental health problems, causing impaired resistance. Getting up late too long will directly influence the mechanism regulating hormones in the body and cause menstrual cycle disorders in women.

All of this will lead to the loss of the natural environmental balance in the vagina that causes harmful bacteria invading and influencing the health of the region.  My sister often up late will likely suffer diseases such as: vaginitis, inflammation of the subsections, cervical inflammation, fibroids ...

Use toilet solution

You should not use the toilet or fluids SOAP antibacterial wash bath several times a day. Because a solution of SOAP and hygiene all contain some chemicals that cause unbalance vaginal environment, making the region dry and itchy irritation-prone closed, create favorable conditions for the bacteria that cause the inflammation.=



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