The number of times 'love' each week reveals what?

It brings many wonderful benefits for your health.

Please check with each time you "Committee", you'll score what.

1 time/week: good for weight loss

Sex will make the brain you clearing out oxyotcin, a hormone that helps to improve the quality of sleep, Dr. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University (New Jersey) said. But according to scientific studies, the number of hours of sleep as much as possible, then you have the ability to lose weight or to control body weight. It is because of sleep did regulate the hormone ghrelin is starving and causing 2 leptin, so that you don't have much time to think about food anymore.

2 days/week: Good for runny nose

Those Committee regularly 2-3 times a week will have A high immune protein content of more than 30% compared with ordinary people. This is a protest may help protect the body against the disease flu, runny nose usually very effective, a study of the Wilkes University stressed. Scientists also believe that relaxing effect, improves the mood of sex also has the effect of maintaining the health of your body.

3 days/week: good for the heart

Time closer to the guy's fun and much more comfortable than when cardio exercise and then, although both help heart good. A study by Bristol University revealed, sex and heart rate increases blood circulation in the body. Those Committee regularly 3 times a week can reduce the risk of heart attack, heart failure up to 50%.

4 times/week: good for your skin

The couples relationship regularly 4 times/week will look younger age from 4-7 years compared to the little couple more briefing, the scientists of the Royal Edinburgh hospital (Scotland) claimed. According to their explanation, could be because sex has produced growth hormone, helps reduce body fat and make the skin become smoother.

5 times/week: Good for work

The top is frequently said to have contact with optimism, energy, focus and creative ability. Therefore, you will feel more positive and happier relationships. All the motivation also helps you achieve greater efficiency in the work.

6 times/week: good for the brain

To smarter, you should "leave the dress" more often. When you do that, the volume of blood flow of the brain will increase, releasing the hormones that help strengthen your intellectual capacity, Dr. Barb DePree in Michigan, United States of America claimed in a new study. That's not to mention the sex also helps generate new brain cells.

7 times per week: good for the mood

Impressive if you can answer his number is 7. But even when it does not reach to the frequency of this dense, the Committee often still help you discharge stress extremely effective, stress and pain so completely worried, in part because the amount of endorphin (sedative) that it produces.=



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