These fruits help men 'fullness'

Fruit is often referred to as food for women, beauty, but with men, if know to choose the right kind to eat, will help you extend your "love".

Feeding fabric

Feed 15-20 results on a fabric (can use dry cloth) will support it very much. In particular, if there are signs of swelling, pain after the Administration, can eat the fruit to reduce the discomfort.

Fresh Lotus seeds

Two a day, taking about 10-15 g fresh Lotus seeds cleaning with rice, or cleaning person to eat, own will surprise about your ability.


Retrieved 250 g fresh grapes, peeled, seeds removed, add hot water and drink 1-2 times/day, drink all in two weeks, a week's vacation and continue for two weeks. Those with prostatitis, burning pain when urine, can persist this drink.


50 g fresh kiwifruit, dipping the same 250 ml hot water, crushed kiwi beams and drink two days/times you will supplement more than ever.


The results are delicious mangoes, nine gold if difficult to eat or drink, Blender will help combat endurance than males.


250 g papaya, pickled with rice wine 1 litre within two weeks, every day to drink 15 ml, can prevent premature ejaculation, cure weak kidney.


Eat apples regularly train not the good for heart disease, but also to treat impotence, premature ejaculation.


Every day eat 2-4 seeds almonds can prevent the "guns" fast arrival and also support treat kidney, urinary tract stones.


Watermelon is nutritious, fruit of the families in the hot summers. You probably know a lot of useful application of this fruit, but is also a watermelon fruit contains a compound type vascular effects as Viagra, have the effect of stimulating the libido. Moreover, it is also very good for the prostate of the gentlemen.


There are more nutrients in the pineapple is magnesium, which helps the body utilize the effect substance biotin, ascorbic acid and thiamine. Pineapple also helps the body synthesize fatty acids, protect the thyroid gland. The other nutrients found in pineapple is vitamin C, B1, copper and fiber.

These nutrients together doing the task improved immune system, against degeneration and enhances energy. Specifically, pineapple also works to improve the quality of the "elite".=



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