What happens when you stop 'it'?

If the stop out will make you feel more anxious.

You feel more anxious

The Scottish researchers discovered that those who abstain from sex encounter difficulties in dealing with stressful situations, such as speaking in comparison with those who have "ties" at least 1 time in 2 weeks. They said when "love," the brain secretes oxytocin and endorphin-like substances that help better mood, reduce stress.

Men can prostate cancer

A study found that the risk of prostate cancer decreased 20% in men who work out regularly. Frequent ejaculation also helps eliminate potentially harmful toxins from the prostate.

You are prone to colds and flu than

Researchers at the University of Wilkes-Barre in Pennsylvania (USA) found those sex 1-2 times per week are immunoglobulin A (Iga)-one of the antibodies that help the body fight viruses-is higher than 30%. Therefore, when abstinence sex, weak immune systems go makes you easy to colds and flu.

Reduce the risk of urinary tract infection

Nearly 80% of the urinary tract infections occur within 24 hours after intercourse. During the relationship, the bacteria in the vagina can be pushed into the urethra causing the infection. So when discontinued "ties", the risk of the disease in women also decreased.

Risk of erectile disorder increases

According to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, men do "it" does not often have the risk of erectile dysfunction high double in comparison with those who have sex 1-2 times per week.  The authors of the research paper said that because the penis is also a form of the body should have sex regularly can help maintain the strength of it.

Females can suffer from depression

The researchers said the compounds in semen such as melatonin, serotonin and oxytocin has the benefit of improving mood, uplifting for women. Stop talking "love" can render women can see boredom, easily lead to depression.=



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