10 million each night, his house will live the same life personell!

Divisions meet on the University Lecture Hall, love students flourish and a wedding is about endings for love story. However, when the couple decided to stay in Saigon business then the trouble began to arise. This is because the city they choose is where the exuberant-flowers for the rich and for the poor.

3rd year taken together, still not dare to give birth because both she and Tuan must still worry right now, every host gets to snore chased off the road because of the lack of debt not month. How fashion fantasy lovers are eventually fly under your cloud, especially when Tuan takes the time, just sticking to the job part time low wages retrieved on the Council. Incense boredom with marriagelife, you want to run. She felt the decision to marry too hastily and Tuan you wish you could turn your head back. Tuan also you think marriage will beautifully, especially when grab her but then reality too harsh. Two hearts apart slowly.

Ganesh was bored to every scene.

Months ago, Tuan received Math tutoring job for a grade school boy with 10. Step into the massive Villa, he dazzled with the car to in the stadium, with wider pool dazzled both serviced accommodation. To welcome you as the new woman, 45, a successful businessman, divorced her husband for years. Beginning of the meeting, Tuan had sex with Vivian sensation. It is more clear than when she always actively hunt welcome, chat and make friends with Tuan even had time to teach his son.

Vivian's actions increasingly more audacity when she posted pictures of her sexy, seductive for Tuan made him panic. And finally, one evening last week, when Tuan was sitting reading a book then get the message of Shreya. Message content makes incredible Tuan. Oanh "invited" him to have sex with her and promised to pay compensation, 10 million every night.

All night that Tuan no sleep. After 1 month of exposure, not you not agitation. Oanh have something savory that beauty of a mature woman, mature, confident and know what I want. He also understands the feelings of "blanket Pillow menu" how Lonesome when Oanh is entering the recovery phase. But ... If you prefer other boys how is Kiran, left still is how senior boys.

NH stars opposite his wife can if do that? But 10 million, a small amount with the financial ability of the Fane married British funds but is the area of copy miserable months. 10 million each night, even 1 week, 1 month Tuan will be in the hands of 40 million. The life of the couple you will step into a new page, no longer the miserable day chasing all over again.

Dead silence the reason her husband claim the "love" in the bathroom(Share)-(Phunutoday)-English, great new trout, once accidentally saw her bathing in the pond outside the hut, then 2 sneaky people together ...

Finally, Tuan decided to come to the Villa met Oanh. But this time she did not catch him in the living room which is leisurely sunbathing poolside bikini in black seductive. Tuan sees his face flushed, heart pounding, Jemmy understood that and it took place.

Take 10 million take in hand, Tuan see Vivian disgrace but this feeling passes quickly because really very Fane made him love. And he was the "son" of Oanh, steadily each week. Shreya with Tuan, you do not need any kind of affection, the relationship between 2 people is just the body and hope you don't expect something distant. Tuan naturally pleased with that, do you still love the flavor, you need Flavor though you're betrayed husband but at least you bring money to the family.

But the Flavor didn't think so. She discovered 1 pics fellatio between Tuan and Oanh in the phone that Tuan has not cleared up and go crazy with it. She pours crying, screaming and hitting the furniture in the House. Tuan upon seeing the response of Vivian, he rushed to open the closet, pulled out the money that perimeter and take wrap off explanation.

-You mean you do son how?-Why? 10 million each night, his house will live the same life personell!

-I do not need that personell! I would rather starve starve parties a husband really not someone like you. I disgusting! You get out of the House for me! -Aroma screamsShe wrapped grip money toss straight out the door:

-Dirty money never touch I crave! He went out of sight! Don't ever come back again!Cuddle wrap money in hand, Tuan see choking bitterness in my heart. Because of a weak heart for minutes and the money that he has blinding irreversible mistake.

Bride exhausted after the honeymoon because Tan lang too fullness(Share)-(Phunutoday)-The wedding night out though very tired because of worry about wedding reception please but still not pleasing her husband p.m. "it" again.


The trend

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Wedding dresses




Natural beauty


How to cure

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Raising children





Bride mother-in-law

