9 things you must surprise about ... the art of flirting

The girls are looking for a partner and need a lot of advice to become masters of the art of flirting. Here is some interesting information about the flirting you may not yet know.

There are five types of flirting

You might think that the delicate hand touch or the blink of an eye is the most obvious expression every time someone wants to flirt with other friends. However, it is totally wrong. According to the University of Kansas has 5 types of flirting is classified as follows: a traditional courtship, physics, sincere, playful and polite. While 25% belong to the kind of flirting fun, 30% belong to the sincerity to attract someone that you want.

The connection the naked eye can help you become more attractive

Once you get the signal from the smile of someone please notice their eyes. This is not just a signal that you need to pay attention, but the eye connection can help you go beyond what you imagine, even it makes you become more attractive than you think. The study indicated that, in an unbroken view between the two sides within two minutes with a stranger leads to increased feelings of emotional relationship between two people. "

Appear mysterious or difficult to access is the way to make people covet opposite

It is true and these studies have proven that. Makes its appearance like a girl full of mysterious, intriguing and difficult to conquer while maintaining the fun of you like a ticket to go to the heart of the boys. The General mentality of everyone is all want what they can't have.

For men, age is not the determining factor

When it comes to a fun night with the woman just for fun, 83% of men say they are not interested in how old she is. When it comes to the best time then the time and age not too be respected.

How do you start a conversation like that would be a deciding factor

As we all know, men don't know how to flirt very good as when they turn out the sexyvoice, but women always have the advantage when doing that. Along with the, we can manipulate the dynamics of flirting through his voice, we should also care to learn how to speak smoothly and quickly. Don't let the story becomes hesitant and clumsy when starting the "saws" guy.

How to keep your head ...

Scientists at the University of Newcastle in Australia, found that sexiest woman when reclining head forward, so you are forced to always look up. This creates for you a more feminine appearance. Man look masculine when they fell behind early and looked down his nose. Don't be too enthusiastic attitude expressed through for your eyes, but you will feel what is best for themselves.

The power of Red is the fact

Whether the girls choose red lipstick color or a red dress, it also represents the strong and confident, in the eyes of the boys. Red Jacket not only effects the iups g the attention when women appear to be the signal more openness with sex-It might not signal that the girls would like to but is something the women to consider before you choose to go out.

Flirting is a good thing for everyone

Strange, isn't it? But those who are flirting or become riders flirt often have high white cell number than means they are very healthy.

Flirting is illegal in some places

This is one of the strangest laws in some places when the Act of flirting can be imprisoned or fined. In Little Rock and Arkansas Usa, if you take action with explicit delinquents sneering then can be fined 30 day jail while in New York the men could be fined $ 25 if they look sexy a woman ...    =



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