Fear of howling when trying to get his hand vía buttons you girl

Bliss which is a Lady-Killer into spirit from sitting on the lecture students. Have face Whitty, dashing to do "armor" should be as easy for him to go to conquer the "prey". Majority of girls looking all think he Blesses is the kind of man kind. The bar too, her impression on Welfare are very good.

Capital bars nnn daughter is genuine, unprecedented both in first love. She is afraid or anxious, people themselves choose not to good, fear of injury should not dare step into love. When Jason Chase, in the Palm of her happy joyful but as long as the famous forever do not dare accept.

When in love, still half believe half a doubt on the love of the Gospel for themselves. Falana know, thought the bar was wholeheartedly and also Chameleon as the former lover of his.

Photo illustration

He pulled the old trick out series with the bar, from the role of the guy who loved the tenderness, psychology, romance to cherish, coddle the stick slightly. The Gospel is targeted at "the gold" which certainly can Stick up for him.

That day's birthday, he deliberately to drug a lot of liquor for the bar, just to drug just beg Oh soft Stick. make valid Xập music loud the swamp bar, bar the first feel hard to about topping. Jason quickly took her out of the taxi and then rodents blink driver straight to a nearby vacation home. The bar has just seen the Green House signs fill the wet plaster has la fuss claim about the Gospel but says most sweet lyrics "I will not make you", "we're in here is a moment, I'm tired of that".

Just got into the room, not all crave closure, Phuc was cornered on the foot of the wall, kissing ... Hand start the magpies are not alone. Move stick dụa strong, biting both on the lips Gospel but he still wouldn't let go. Jason hands continue to take each of the buttons on your girl. Then Jason suddenly dark face, two eyes like fire, burning Burns not only. The bar have used pepper spray and spray him straight in the eye. He let go of her, couldn't stand to be groggy and then down down, shouted the carpet.

Bar rush out, heart pounding, body shaking, tears up his back. Never she believed Jason should totally go with him all the time in the Pocket well prepared map. Despite the bar still hurt when the first boyfriend of her life back is a Department of khanh who raped his girlfriend's are.

Sitting on the taxi, the cry like the rain. She knew I was lucky not to suffer he's humiliated but her heart absolutely shattered.=



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