Husband and wife love each other but do these 5 things, they will soon go

Do not show affection

To maintain a happy relationship, both need to have interaction and love for each other. If love is expressed only from one person and the other person does not show anything to me, then the relationship will not be sustainable?

Love is an interaction between two people, if they want to have strong feelings for a long time, then both of them must show their affection to the other person. Only when the other person knows can people feel the love you have for them.

Do not give each other compliments


Men or women we all want to hear compliments. Don't think that after getting married your wife buys you a shirt, the new outfit is her responsibility. When you wear them, please thank your wife and appreciate what she has for you.

Women, too, do not hesitate to praise your husband when he does a good job. For example, the husband completes a job at the company, the husband gets a promotion, a raise or finish a project he cherishes.

All the compliments always bring the two closer. Husband and wife will not feel a distance. Husband and wife who love each other but do not understand and find ways to praise each other will also make love quickly decline.

Do not try new things together

When they were lovers, they used to spend a lot of time trying new things. But when you get married, when you return to the same house, you will meet every day, eat and sleep together in a house, on a bed.

If they both feel bored over time, every day they will both get extremely bored.

Don't think that spouses don't need to create new things. What is so peaceful will make people quickly bored. Wishing the couple to love and be together for longer. Find out interesting things sometimes and suggest them to try together.

If you know how to create a new atmosphere, make plans like when you were dating, you will not feel bored in your marriage. Changing some old habits will make the relationship between husband and wife better.

Do not communicate, use cold war when quarreling

Husband and wife are husband and wife, any way is inevitable daily quarrels. However, each couple has a different solution. Perhaps the worst solution when both of them quarreled was the cold war.

The cold war not only did not solve the problem of both conflicts but even caused a heartbreak and made it even harder for the two to continue their long and lasting marriage.

Do not give each other gaps

This way maybe many people will think a little crazy already. Also true, being in love but requiring too much space is strange. But try, if one day we do not have each other and you will feel more missed. Only one week later to meet each other on a business trip, or an unfinished project you may feel more missed.

Do not think that just being husband and wife is the whole time the opponent has to be wholeheartedly devoted to the family. Time may not be spent for the family, but at any time when they are at home, they wholeheartedly not too great or not? Giving each other the gaps to do the things they like they will feel they are always respected and trusted by a partner.



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