I give up I go love others to be the 'Queen'

I know you (I'm a friend of your brother), children, cute, has a steady job in a foreign company. I owned a company, but not too big but the living very comfortably, themselves also diligent hard should the company developed very well, I totally owned the company.

Familiarity is a year, the situation is quite stable, condition quite so we go here or there, eating the luxurious restaurant, when I pay, I pay, when both split the money, in General never questions each other money.

I sincerely want you to do my wife, on the family also met and everything is convenient.

Go play abroad there when I call upon the Secretary to put off paying, I have when I purchase the ticket you are booking hotels then you pay. I put the money I never said do not need expensive gifts, so I don't get the most expensive ones, I got my bag is more than thousand dollars I donated birthday.

I sincerely want you to do my wife, on the family also met and everything is convenient. When I asked the crowd prepared to put the issue of family life will be like, living or, in house financing.

I was a bit unexpected, say you just rest assured, I will to I do not lack anything because there was available, a car procession, about what I want PM me also. I asked I was conscious was after taken together will co-own the property I currently have no, and after the wedding I will hand key Ark asset management couple? You can always disregard the block of property before the marriage, but since the wedding day about the wife, while her's will "by the husband-wife", was the General's.

I was a bit surprised, I suppose that I'm not saying wrong but I think the old married children of pampered care, not thinking of you my property manager and also makes them unable to invest capital. I said the deal didn't need to worry, I'm not worried but my husband how much money I have to know.

I also insist I have to have the right to discuss the decision with her husband money to do what, to whom, how, what's the investment. That she was also the Chief in a body, sufficient knowledge and placements of the family burden and to have the right. Photo description.

I also insist I have to have the right to discuss the decision with her husband money to do what, to whom, how, what's the investment. That she was also the Chief in a body, sufficient knowledge and placements of the family burden and to have the right.

I answered that I obediently made my wife, I do not regret anything for children but also don't be too manage. I then told my wife I am not a doll or ôsin I bought on, also if I pity her fortune, then married my wife property blocks, if not enough trust or not yet willing to love me enough to want to marry you lose then don't marry. Arguing for some time that we parted. I'm not too calculated but I also see you require and demand the separation.

I still love children, don't tell anybody about the reason for the separation of the two. Nearly two years after I acquaint miscellaneous couple but still not forget the children and yet want to get anybody else, my brother tell me you acquaint a uk engineer working in State companies, has just gone to teach while nearly 10 million nghét salary, but he also WarBirds elderly mother at home so, I insisted claims marry him. I date you, I nonchalantly said, because he has a dozen million but put you off, concerns for his family's currency closer.

Now both of you are to spend money to buy small apartment less than 80 m 2, he gave me the feeling I was the Queen. I used to just be a beauty you see love, touch a bit of what the property is also viewed it more precious.

Now I have to do to win back here?=



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