In the battle of spouses used money 'solicited' two men at once

Recently, heard people fried soy sauce is my wife used the money to "love" you solicited the other male employees by paying higher forms of consciousness, and widely admired "reward you, reward," so he "served" very whole-heartedly, enthusiastic.

Stalking arrested his wife describes the tịu with you employees

Credit sale sell suspected so I decided to hire the detective and "cling" according to his wife. Nearly two weeks of "peace", and I intend to give up the detective to noon Thursday, because to forget the refineries in the House so I hastily launched the car about taking whatever work morning told my wife to lunch I didn't go home. Area of copy forever 6 years with his meager wages of officers desk, I opened my wife was a little shampoo Barber in the House her parents bought when married. Before, my wife is quite skilled worker of a Barber on the street that I was the guest of the intestine.

My wife is a woman a bitch ...

A double hair cuts, shampoo, I also "stalking" consistent new low step in to "Thanks" I cut, wash yourself. Then after some time "as in," I became half of my life ... From there, the staff at you I see your wife as young, I said smiling mouth, and always invest the shops more dresses, and then also cut phăng long hair for so long now the top dyed gold and flaming iong. The store of my wife quite crowded, vibe, not only have many patrons imprisonment, growing stranger from the street also search to my wife's hair is cut to the head. Crowded too, alone is not off work, my wife hired three employees two female South side help to weevil. South new staff is a young look very stylish, trendy clothes, always dashing, elaborate, hair to dye green seat seat side deviation of gold ...

Use the money to "making love"

There is a late afternoon, my wife called my thanks go to welcome her son is studying in kindergarten because you're busy go enter the shampoo and the material for the store. Take me home, see motorcycle construction in the wife, her security because many goods should you filthy male staff pass away for longer. carrying the map. Recently, heard people fried soy sauce is my wife used the money to "love" you solicited the other male employees by paying higher forms of consciousness, and widely admired "reward you, reward," so he "served" very whole-heartedly, enthusiastic.

To the car outside the shop, not seen my wife, she told my wife said staff were tired should go home and NAP. Unlock the door to the House, I do not believe it when he saw his wife and a stranger man has great years are on the couple's bed. Being caught, my wife knelt down fall I cried and confessed that because "how" you boys the other trendy too expensive, the income of the Salon shampoo is not enough to "keep" him, I have to give the Palm with the older man. I found the hot blood rises early interpreters covered ngụt, angry at his wife. I just want to chase her out of the House immediately, but thinking of little sons in less than 3 years old, I'm not either ...=



The trend

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Bride mother-in-law

