My son did not visit the whole year, remember when my mother called, I only received this bitter sentence

Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Han struggled to raise her children, at that time, life was difficult, so sometimes it was difficult to have a full meal. Many days, due to lack of rice, she had to eat boiled vegetables with salt to give the rice to her only son to eat.

Every day passed by that poor woman did not pray for anything high, only for her son to be healthy and to live. Hải was raised by her mother to eat properly, after finishing 12 boys, she started to learn a trade and then came back to her hometown.

Back then, in order to have capital for their children, Han had to sell her only piece of land that her husband left. Besides the old, miserable house, that mother had no valuable things in her hand.

Hai's work went quite smoothly. At first, he loved his mother very much. He went home to sleep because he was worried about his mother worrying, but later when he had a wife and children, he bought a house in the town. Life kept taking him away, he was busy getting rich but forgot that he still had 2 old mothers who needed to be taken care of.

Ms. Han had a poor eyesight every day, her ears were also partially deaf. Sometimes, when she remembered that her children could only cry, people told her why she could not stay with her son when she shook her head and said:

- I went to smoke incense for his father and even if I went up there, I could not see him anywhere. He went to work all the time, his wife was difficult so I felt uncomfortable.

At the end of the Lunar New Year, sometimes I just want my son to bring my grandson to play but wait forever to see. Or if he comes back, he will show her some money and then go away. Recently, she has been feeling unwell so she called and told me to go home. But Hai used an excuse so he kept making promises time and time again. That day, my mother called me too much, so I frustratedly took the car home. When I came to the house to see my mother lying on her side, he said: 'What time is it still that mom is sleeping?'. When I saw my son, Mrs. Han rejoiced:

- I'm home, let me cook rice to eat.

- Come on, let's go and have a meal.

After saying that, he pulled out his wallet and hit a stack of money on the table and said:

- Is this enough for mom to use, don't call me back next time, how many busy people are.

After saying that Hai intended to stand out, his mother cried:


- Take the money, I don't need the money. What I want is to meet you. My mother and I can only live together, now I have a family and I don't miss this old mother anymore. I am very sad, I have been very sick lately, I am going to follow your father. I called you back to see you a little bit so if you do not die, you will not regret it.

Looking at his mother trembling, Hai saw tears of regret.

- I'm sorry, Mom. I am so filial, where is my pain so I can take you to the doctor.

- Well, there is no need for you, old mother and dead end anyway to do anything costly.

After saying that, she went to the closet and took out a box and said:

- This is my money for you for the past few years. I haven't spent any money yet, I still can make vegetables so I don't need to spend much money to take it and take it for business. I don't have any money for you, so I can only collect it.

At this moment, Hai hugged his mother and cried, so now he considers his mother a burden, he thinks that his mother only needs money so he can send money to her. You are such a filial son. In life, maybe children like Hai still have a lot, we always use the excuse of "busy" and think that just sending money to parents is done. But what our parents need is the reunion is warm affection, not money. Money is not everything, remember.



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