Signs that a guy is promiscuous 'overnight'

To get to know her husband is promiscuous outside or not, you can look at some of the following aspects:

Frequently the cause of "war"

He deliberately frustrating, triggered with the absurd reason, forming hurricanes rage. He would decry expressed dissatisfaction or did not agree with your review and comments, advocacy or outsiders, don't care to his wife's feelings. So from then on, he can easily reach the lover. Silver bumper guys often act as well as the disturbance in thinking half want Portuguese couples, half day end with my wife.

"Pale" in love

He no longer will praise the beauty of his wife anymore, not sad to say "I love you", or express the other, their loving only her husband you also become "afraid" If you care care and do something nice for him. "It" also become bored and idle no longer interested, he will also reject the couple desires if you are actively proposed. The romance of love also lost.

At home or Moody

When back home, her husband expressed sorrow Moody eyes, don't like watching movies with his wife, does not like to play with my children, not talking and laughing took a Word, or allege tired that eluded contact with his wife. Meanwhile, outside he warms with fun people, melancholy, like all carpets are derived from his wife. If the folder external univesity, at first he will hold for two smooth warm relationship, but guys love silver bumper Bo screamed over his wife, he would be upset with his wife, and the stress is hard to avoid.

Are downright notice small every move ...

Start buying lots of gifts for the wife

Feeling guilty hiding in the shade of gifts, her husband becomes more often by the guilty twinge of conscience bites, when cheating on his wife. My husband can not hesitate to spend a large sum on expensive items, or lead his wife into the restaurant luxury which at first not a husband.

About the end of the cut and the improvement

He will or spokesperson like this "Oh, felt not lived together?" ... the majority of men are not like to love officially broke as well as doesn't want to become a man of cruelty against children, they rarely leave a wife that according to Brazilian Portuguese. But if he uttered these negative statements like that then you should be cautious.

Or startled awake

The main cause is the feeling of insecurity when he doesn't know I'm sleeping on a bed of hay's wife. At the same time also often appear strange behaviors in sleep as: regularly have nightmares, or talking, hard to sleep ... it's expression said her husband is in a State of insecurity.

Does not seem to talk to his wife

Despite living in the same House at the same space, but my husband doesn't want to connect with my wife. He becomes lukewarm and gradually reduce the attention-loving for you. There are also turning to bad habit of accusing his wife of "bitch" without compelling evidence.

Change some habits

If you're keen, pop music, then have the Bo category he hate can be played for hours. By a funny thing as she is his lover, or the dish the favorite again become fussy and vice versa.

Spend time with friends than

The presence in the House was also sparse, or about the middle of the night with the smell of beer alcohol permeate, women's perfume on someone. He's also less messaging, or phone asking when the couple not to meet, and especially the phone be he hides very closed, and not let you touch the contacts appeared again in a couple of strange, wallpaper the phone will probably change to hit a mark.=



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