Smart women just do this, her husband will love madly never craving for strangers


Scientists have studied, the husband will kiss every morning for more than 5 years, and the ability to make money will be higher.

Kissing is always an easy, romantic and beautiful way to express the feelings of love, besides success and long healthy life. Moreover, the risk of a traffic accident is also less, and their income can be increased by 20-30% compared to men who do not kiss their wives.

Dr. Arthur Sazbo said that husbands who start the day with a kiss will have a positive attitude, so they will be more successful on the career path. According to Dr. Sazbo, research shows that people who kiss their wives every morning before work often never have to take leave due to illness.

Those who kiss often have a longer lifespan than those who kiss at least 5 years, and the excitement, feeling, comfort and relaxation brought about by kiss will be a long-lasting medicine. .

A deep, passionate kiss also makes 34 facial muscles and 112 muscles work. Thus, after each kiss will help the blood circulation, the muscles become strong, connected, . from there your skin is also more and more youthful, the signs of age being blown away.

A kiss helps regulate your heart rate, lowers blood pressure, lowers headaches, improves skin tone, stimulates blood circulation. The lungs are now also 3 times more active than normal, helping them to receive more air.

Speak softly, softly

You should remember, the volume of a conversation determines a lot of emotions of the two participants in the conversation.

Therefore, you should always keep a mantra in the married life: softness in communication. Think back to how gentle and gentle your conversation with your partner was?

Always talk to each other emotionally as when you were in love, so happiness will last longer.

Holding his hand

Nonsense gestures like it can help you create more emotional attachment. Holding hands while crossing the street or even at home watching TV is also a gesture to say 'I love you'.

Make him feel lucky to be in a relationship with you

Remember that you deserve to be loved, respected and with a guy who is aware of your own worth. Therefore, when you are confident in yourself, respect yourself, he will see you lucky to be with you.

If you are alone trying to keep your current relationship, you are pushing yourself into a weak, inferiority complex. On the contrary, when you prove your values ​​before him, he will automatically want to "hold" you.



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