The appeal of 'scary' of woman age 30 made men crazy

The most attractive woman in years?

The Group of experts in beauty Research Center, QVC of Britain has just finished a study and found the most attractive woman at the age of 29-31. This is the conclusion was based on a poll and long-term research in 2,000 people, including men and women.

In this age, women have no acne, not wrinkles or silver hair appears. They are confident, often have a stable relationship and very charming.

Thus, man please know ...

A woman in need of sharing

The share of women needs then as high as the tsunami but how he stacked up the street say that back home along Dark chestnut. Out the way he and charming humor know how much but trớt quớt say home. Not because he runs out of love but because he no longer inspired novelties; as an artist just flames himself on stage, he could not perform before an audience understand him better than he understands him. Thus, he is silent and does not share.

Don't let the United Virgin sleep but harrowing intact

The mistake most is the silence are applied to handle conflicts when the wife wants to handle the issue's end he stacked away somewhere else. He thought that is in favour of fast and everything is going smoothly but only wives or crazy or PIN the knots in heart, looking at ideas of peace as the United Virgin sleep but harrowing intact. It's easy to understand, woman love woman it is difficult. Love smart women still vạn harder times. The wise man never let his wife engulfed in lonely because of her survival instinct is very high, she will get used to it until her husband is not needed anymore.

Women want to hear "sorry"

Men too pride and feel hard to say sorry even though deep down, he knew was wrong. Some men don't like myself wrong. For them, it is a sign of the poor. If they admit the mistake by sorry, that means they admitted guilt. Some men would rather carry the vulgar and does not excuse than admit herself wrong.

In the old days when love, quiz he dare these aggressor contingency when arguing that not sorry. If the argument he will rush to conjure, comforted, explained. However, the husband and the wife to forget that he deserves to be loved more afternoon time old love because she is my heart.

To PM my wife than forecast love because she is ... large non-profit investments

The husband and the wife to forget that he deserves to be loved more afternoon time love. She is no risk investments and most of the big interest rate student. She endured the sloppy, lazy but love delicious food. She not only care for he that take care of him, his friends, his family, the beautiful Secretary cum loyal Butler. Talented Lady handle the boat from the spiritual to the family finances.

A woman is like, dreaming and face fuck

Men are busy making money and perfect himself should have pm my wife take my child. Usually she pirates, but will ignore the tongue wrestling himself lamented if miss seeing someone who is my husband loved the very afternoon. So, women are very superficial and always need little men tày sin but keep on begging, buying flowers or gifts to go eat is as soft and back again roll out the misery of men.

Thus, little macho, know who to keep, if not will lose ... a woman age 30!=



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