The story of two birds and the lessons of gratitude and wife ...

The couple, love story also-meaning also. The shallow love, affordable should force the enemy to live because the meaning, must take responsibility for the life of a person that they have shallow love? Do not pull the children out into the hands of the enemy and make backdrops for the battle to come and returned in the story of husband and wife.

This time on the network the facebooker racing each other share a photo have two birds, a child trapped in a cage and are parked on the side, are balancing by a seesaw. Below is the sea, the birds are perching on the other cage remained there if fly up the bird in the cage will be drowned in the sea. From the photos above, the facebooker comment out the couple, each one but something the women free for yourself as a bird in a cage and then lament "married woman Body were dependent on men. Married women happy or miserable because the husband decided. If as irresponsible man, like a bird on the cage there will fly away and do not need to have responsibility to the bird in the cage, the bird in the cage will die. In General, the lifetime women's right is completely dependent on the choice of a husband, happy or miserable by her husband. It is true that "you like raindrops sa/radio off particles in the particle Dong paddy field. Married, such as Lottery! ".

Gratitude and wife ...

Listen to self conclusion full of lamina's presence (which is scary is largely the women responded, agreed), I actually think I'm living in feudal times, when that ideology still weighs and the women often did not have equality. But obviously this is a story by 2015 with a middle-class woman's so modern, innovative?

I have to respond to that story with a number of questions "why women are the birds in the cage but not the man? Why married women were sealed his fate by men that they themselves do not decide our own fate? ". The responses back then cause I'm disturbed forever about the thought of not a few women. As modern times, but the thought "love Grab yourself" seems to remain a distant concept with the sisters, when if comes to love yourself, then grab some people think is selfish lifestyle, irresponsible!

Modern Vietnam, women have the more than 20 years has become the captain of the national airline, flies to micro-vu in the sky, there are young girls generation 9 x has a few coins in his hand and a heart did a portable backpack up and go phượt more than 20 countries of the world , have her man extraordinaire has invented a type of paint that are recognized by the whole world, there are new people more than 20 years has become a CEO of a retail store chain series. ... Also many, many Vietnamese women and self-employed his life!

Themselves rather than someone else who knows the value of myself, no need, no need for dramatic manifesto, no need for refuge, they themselves stand up affirming the value of myself, and that's the way they love themselves most clearly! Have the "oops! Woman gets these guys, good but sure what family has happiness? "

The sister, happiness is not only a good husband is the hard-landing. Happiness is not a destination, happiness is the journey that we're walking every day, every hour, we multiply the fun right in each carving, much grief, pickup, we will have a lot fun, fun intervals interval is happy, happy that it's so simple, simple to the extent we do not need is anti-up , must die for my husband because I do it as a fun self really. I love life, love yourself, love, happiness is like!

When I hit the switch concept of happiness and said that "to this other House, House, established in heaven, family in addition to smooth, warm loving spouses, adult children. ... Then there is the new happiness! ". If think like that, then the whole life free woman just spoiled that dedication, striving, sacrifice miết immersed herself, forget about the fun themselves that go looking for things that are sometimes not meeting the number of lives. "Every tree each flower"-so don't ever think that the United States would also have to hatch, United would also orderly. The important thing in this life is not the Drudge lao forces, sacrifice today to have a bright tomorrow, nor is back today brilliant yellow ones of pity to the present. Let's live for today, the master of his life in today! Don't depend on men too much, don't put their destiny in the hands of others, whether that person is your spouse. That's how you prove yourself not as "bird cages of fish pots", isn't that a sad fun happiness dependent on any other related impacts.

Women are not the bird in the cage, and men don't like to be a bird cage on the other, must take responsibility for the survival of someone. Please believe it! Women and men always have to have a responsibility to myself, good responsible, know who I am, respectfully myself to where they can care for and love others. The couple, love story also-meaning also. The shallow love, should affordable to force the enemy to live because the meaning, must take responsibility for the life of a person that they have shallow love? Do not pull the children out into the hands of the enemy and make backdrops for the battle to come and returned in the story of husband and wife.

If your man loves you, then don't fly or bean story in turn you discussions, if the man they hurt you then too, what if love had dried up, then you should not decide take the fate of his life? Please believe that, what you give away your life, you will receive the world of health. You handed love you will get back love, you grant resentment then you get back will be resentment, you grant his destiny in the hands of other people, then they hit you sink or keep you living worn then don't depend on yourself again ... Because you have to have people that the right to dispose of his destiny?

Do people-that is the highest truth, high than do men or woman to this world. Do people then self, fair living with yourself, love yourself and master of his life. When you love yourself, you will know his etchings himself needs to do for his life. You will never have to look at a photo and essay about the life a crap way and Vietnamese nouns pole!=



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