The wise woman never foolishly uttered these four words

'I divorce'

The marriage life will be at times when the wind and waves are not as good as it is, nor will the anger, reproach or rebellion be avoided. At that time, women often say "divorce". This is one of the most foolish acts of women when they are angry with their husbands.

Because, it does not help you to oppose your husband, does not make him afraid to bow down wrongly. On the contrary, it makes the enemy hurt, making him think that you don't appreciate this marriage.

"Why don't you like this"

Women are lamenting lords, but never ever nag the useless words: Why are you like this .

The story can not be like his own, complaining more and more make my legs tired. The people who come to the end are just small individuals in front of the universe, so they don't escape from the unpredictable things.

'Without my brother still live well'

Marriage most needed outside of love is respect for the opponent. Even if your husband has done nothing to your will, it makes you sad, remember not to utter a harsh sentence: 'Without my brother, I still live well' when angry with each other.

Remember how much you loved him, how happy they were. Using tolerance to treat new husbands is a way to make life easier for both couples and warm.

"Look at people's husbands ."

What is particularly taboo is comparing your husband to his family's husband. Think, why are you marrying him and not someone else? If you want to marry a husband like someone's house, then he doesn't hesitate to "invite" you to someone's house but where.

If you don't like being compared, so does he, what you don't like, don't do it to others.



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