Top 5 women's Zodiac prone discounted for

No1. Capricornus-too seriously

Capricorn always wanted to prove his competence by specific actions to assert themselves and be recognized in the eyes of the people. More than that, the Ghost girl The extremely serious in everything, from work to study and love also is not the exception.

Although in the circumstances would, with one, the joke is funny or not, every word of which The Ghost speak out are all very carefully, not little Frolic. The main serious levels too faii led many boys do not dare come near acquainted and attack The Ghosts because they are afraid if being "hớ" or tease her a little joke to impress the unaware she would react.

NO2. Scorpions-the independent

Scorpions are very independent, always assume that sufficient capacity to not dramatic or ask any guy would. Even, they still prefer to compete with wings you antennae to demonstrate the power of the self, and that a man has no life of her Hermit still extremely nice.

It wasn't bad, but it is also the cause for the boys hesitate, just dare you do not dare to boldly "proceed further" with Scorpions. Boys always like to be is based, cover, cover for the girl they love; so more prepared themselves a bit so the boys have the opportunity to show and help you!

Discounted has to do time?

NO3. Virgo-the perfectionist

Though the mouth always says there's nothing higher standards, not "picky" but Virgo always secretly set out the requirements, standards to challenge the boys around me. With a computer global of Virgo then perhaps very hard as if someone wanted to make her happy. If you accidentally do disappoint them or the Penguin inspired only a little time, then perhaps there is no second chance for you!

No4. Located too close-himself

The girls Located in inner life type Prize, like hiding and afraid to deal with the outside world. Have to say, they are the girls of the family, and the future will be those of his wife, a wonderful mother, but to reach them almost difficult.Simply because they don't like to join exchanges, expand relationships so the boys would have very little chance to reach them. As growing, as Awards like to enjoy and share your life with the ones in the family. By that, around her will only have a few close relationships, and the ability to be "discounted" will grow.

No. 5. Libra-the lack of belief in the son

Libra can trust anyone, but never will they put faith in his son. Despite experiencing more or less, not even a piece of sexual skills, role of squeezed the girl made them think about the negative aspects of love more.

Libra often feel unsafe when the boyfriend, and they never want to waste the time of those not able to make them feel the excitement. Wish they change very difficult, the boys will have to try a lot, while the results again very fragile.

"My husband's sister, the wife Wants to know the humiliation of the Angel"(Share)-(Phunutoday)-don't think is easy.


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