Woe to the man-mad love

His sister aged 27. Four years ago, his sister a familiarity with the company you work for. Was a time, he tells his sister that in side my wife not happy and saying that love his sister. At that time his sister was dead, don't understand why believe him and since then the story of grief happens. A year after the two men know each other, his wife knows and has phoned warning his sister. Maybe his lies and his sister too stupid to continue to love him. His family only knew him and his sister in love, he came home empty-handed, his wedding ring and says is not his wife.

His parents believe their daughter, just know that they love each other long ago and told him if his sister then married. He lied that his family has yet to agree, need more time to convince. The worst thing here is his sister stood back with him lying to his family. 3 months ago, my mom saw you should ask gặng often knows she is pregnant is 4 months. With that, the wife he had contact with his family, even verbal hooks nhiếc, threatening his home is getting his sister kneeling down to apologize to her and her two children.

I can't believe the world has kind of like ...

Her parents and sister, he called his home. His family is truly in shock before this news, one side talking the family side of him, on the one hand talking to his sister to have solutions. However, the family not to speak clearly, then his sister wrote to run away from home, said that like to keep kids and with him to Hanoi. His family lost 1 months phone calls, IM convinced she go back to her family for help.

Convincing my sister: not happy with my wife, she said, he's not the star of divorce? Now she was pregnant with him, if he's in love with her older sister then she Let's him go home to his family for helping you to be together. At that time, the face can be a total bitch's fake will reveal. Be awake!

After that conversation, his sister and him fighting. When she arrived home, her family just angry just brand. The family has two choices and you decide. The first option, if you think then that child should go and start a new life. Second choice, if you keep kids family will still help my sister parenting. His sister then has the choice of abortion.

After 2 minutes since her abortion, his family took his sister to safety to recover health. No doubt, the other guy dare to break into his home, sneaked into the Chamber his sister, to phone back, attempting to communicate with his sister and her family were caught. Guy begging begging her sister to meet demanding an apology. The guy claims for self-determination are met by are either 1 month, 1 year or 10 years. Call for the guy that said why keep suffering his sister so. The guy says to the guy, Guy's children were killed, and then turned out to blame his sister and his family are the mind kill the sons of man.

His stupor when listening to this guy about the child. The first time his sister pregnant, already insist please him for holding a child back but her sister convinced guy to get pregnant. The second pregnancy, then his sister arbitrarily go broke. This time it's the third guy, blame his family did not know his brand to give away such a break, just kill the son of the guy who has just hurt his sister's health. To date the guy still like a madman, still trying to find ways to meet by being his sister.

Despite his family prevented, the guy who let on that his wife, sorry, sorry guys but still most parents want to meet his sister. According to you, yourself and your family need to do? A man who has a wife already have ruined her sister's youth that come now are still not let his sister.=



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