13 great beauty uses of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is not only the favorite by the beauty benefits of it but also because it can be very simple processing and still ensure their inherent characteristics.


In the Aloe has plenty to do, so there's nothing strange when you use them as a kind of natural moisturizing gel for face and body. In fact, this is one of the most popular uses of Aloe by them with almost every skin type, does not have the effect of chemicals so it was the sisters believe use. Will a perfect and inexpensive if you use it in the function of moisturizers. When Barnabas, the skin will absorb the tree's nutrients quickly. Aloe is also used to treat acne.

Shrink pores

Translated from the Aloe leaf is rich in nutrition. According to estimates, they have 19 essential amino acids, B vitamins such as B12, vitamin C, E & minerals such as iron, calcium, Magnesium, lecithin, Sodium potassium, Manganese and zinc. Aloe Vera has the same properties as astringents, so when DAB them on your face, it can reduce the appearance of pores and shrink pores, making skin more smooth.

Clear acne book

Aloe Vera has the ability to destroy acne and dead cells, shrinks the pores and give you a skin toned. Use Aloe Vera topical acne immediately upon its discovery, to inhibit the development process. Also, if you suffer from acne scars, be DAB on Aloe Instant fast scarring.

Fight wrinkles

Use 100 grams of Aloe (equivalent to 2-3 leaves pulled big society), cut off the outer crust, chopped into small pieces, then give in to the boiler with 1 liter of water, boil for about 5 minutes. Then North down from the kitchen, to cool. For in the refrigerator to preserve user. Each time you use this solution both DAB onto skin.

Fix your dry lips chappy

Dry lips will look very chappy offensive, degrading the looks sexy, be overcome by using a DAB of Aloe Vera leaf's plastic lips dry up chappy. One day can make a couple of times, you will see results as you like.


You can combine the ability to do facial and smoothing skin with Aloe Vera benefits Scrubs available in oatmeal or strawberries to comprehensive care choda. Exfoliating mask types do facial not only has the effect of cleaning, moisturizing the skin but also against the shallow deep wrinkles are different. You need to have Aloe Vera gel, cherry mash and mash the almond. Lather the mixture to the skin, massage gently for about 5 minutes and then rinse. After care skin with this mask, you will feel a skin smooth, soft and fresh.

Beauty and long nails fast

The study showed the effect of Aloe leaves not only help nails grow faster in just a short time, but also makes the nails are not beautiful and the ball snapped.

Shaving gel

If using fresh Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera leaf gut you know must be made transparent, soft, dense and cool. This helped the Aloe Vera is often used as the type of gel. And if you're miserable because the feathers, use Aloe as a gel, moisturizing lather up the skin before shaving. They will help your skin more smooth, the shave becomes easy as well as moisturizing skin always software after shave.

The eye make-up

Listen, then, seems strange, but this is one of the best uses of Aloe Vera. After a long tiring day with a thick layer of makeup, you go get a piece of cotton or cotton, saturate the section Aloe leaves the gut and then lightly rubbed onto the face or eyes. Essential moisturizers, skin cleansing in fresh Aloe leaves will help your skin is clean, cool and smooth over after use.

Lemongrass oil

Aloe Vera benefits don't just stop at the skin, it also works for your hair. Grab a leaf Aloe, trim the outer green leaves to take the gel inside, then lather up your hair and massage are where skin to absorb nutrients.

Hair balm

The uses of Aloe Vera not only stop at the skin, when applied onto the hair, it also brought to the same magic. Take a leaf of Aloe Vera, cut it out, lightly massage the oil onto the skin. Next, removing all the oil discharge you still used your hair and then flush again with clean water and you will get a soft hair, gently with a healthy scalp. Aloe Vera can also be used to soften curly hair, tangle before you.

Increase the ability to grow hair

One of the effects of Aloe is to help your hair grow faster. All what you need to do is use the gel in the leaves of fresh Aloe, massage with hair in about 30 minutes and then rinse. Aloe Vera helps make hair follicles open, Ph balance, and increase moisture to hair, from which the hair easy to grow and grow faster. Even the ancient Egyptians used Aloe to care and provide substance to the hair is growing a healthy way.

Oral care

If the treatment with your dentist hasn't given you the results as you, try to consult a dentist and use the gel from the Aloe leaf instead of medications and creams greases gums. Aloe Vera has been noted to have the ability to naturally whiten teeth, against bad breath, cavities, disease prevention the diseases of the gums.=



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