Abandon bad habits to have beautiful hair in the new year

1. Use dirty strategies

Comb hair loss filled often dirty, sticky oil from the scalp and many other hair products, this is the ideal environment for bacteria to grow. Try to clean the comb at least once a month with a mixture of baking soda and warm water. Use the toothbrush to wipe out the entire the small hairs to stick to the strategy.

2. Impact on wet hair

When the hair is wet, it will become weak, fragile and brittle. After shampooing, try not to use cotton towel to wipe the hair that is only lightly dot the tail to remove the water. Also, do not comb hair when it is wet. Use a comb teeth dear, from split and slowly comb up from above. If on the cold days, you only hairdryer to dry approximately 80%, then to nature.

3. Forcing regular hair

The hair is neatly tied will help us to become vibrant and convenient when working over. But, the hair too high will create pressure on the hair strands at the same time. This makes hair suffered. The hair too tight how do stretch the leg hair and makes hair more susceptible to fracture. Therefore, you should use the kind of loose or tie cord fabric soft hair.

4. To wet hair when sleeping

Some people have the habit of shampoo bath in the evening and then to wet hair and then go to sleep. This extremely harmful because wet hair will create conditions for the development of fungi and dandruff. Dandruff appeared made you uncomfortable, itchy and cause you to scratch on the scalp. Since then, the scalp, weak hair and consuming were brittle.

5. Use chemicals

The chemicals in the dye, bending, straightening the hair will make your hair becomes brittle. Smoking strong alkaline perm hair lost take the sleek. The kind of Hairspray, hair claws can also damage if used too much. In particular, the eraser color to the hair will transfer into the hair and remove nutrients, pigment of the hair.

6. Shampooing too strong

You think the scratching the scalp new strong hands can make clean hair be? That's one thing that's not you. By when you use nails scratch the scalp too strong when the shampoo will make for the scalp you get hurt. This is very dangerous because creating conditions for fungi and bacteria easily invade and cause disease.

Moreover, shampooing too uncertain to make the scalp you cleaner. Instead, you use your fingertips to gently massage the scalp. Don't forget to use just the right amount of shampoo with the length of your hair.

And the habit of shampoo with water too hot in winter may cause your scalp dryness and irritation of sebaceous secretion increases hair gets the ball. In addition, gently massage before and while shampooing can stimulate the capillaries and mao nang promote hair grows faster.

7. Use the improper discharge of oil

You lazy to use Lemongrass oil or used oil discharged does not properly make the hair you risk facing harm. In addition to providing needed moisture to your hair silky soft, always discharge oil also contains essential nutrients for the body and the hair is always healthy.

The habit of discharging oil rubbed onto the hair while the hair pins located scalp is often excess moisture thanks to natural oil substance secreted from the scalp and body hair tops again still very dry and weak. On the other hand, smeared the oil discharge directly into the scalp if not rinse can make the hair greasy and sticky rice. Therefore, use of Lemongrass oil properly to promote optimal features of the product and avoid the unwanted results.

Shiny hair contribute greatly to your beauty. Thus, always loving and caring "man root" properly at the same time minimize the habit can be damaging to the hair to your hair silky soft and healthy always.

8. Misuse of the styling tools

Excessive use of styling tools like dryers, presses, bending, staining, chemical processing ... as do the hair more weakness. You need to regularly replenish moisture to the hair with the oils and proper. Lower the temperature of the tool for bending, stretching down to the lowest level and do not forget to use Add coconut oil to increase the speed of the ball for the hair.

9. Do not protect the hair when off road

Every day, when out on the street we are exposed to the Sun, smoke, dust, ... Ultraviolet rays from the Sun, the pollution caused to the hair we tarnishes, dry, fibrous, fire. Besides, the weather can also cause hair dryness Winifred were to deteriorate. Thus, the shield, protecting the hair when going off road is necessary.=



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