Do nails are at risk of getting HIV?

A Brazilian girl 22 years old discovered her HIV infection. According to the results of tests, girls HIV virus infection in about 10 years ago. One of her cousins also suffer disease this century.

If yes then the patient from manicure instruments is "very United".

The results also showed that the HIV virus tests of two patients of the same strain of the virus. And in the past, the two who had been exchanged, using generic tools.

Brazilian girl also insisted his past never lack safe sex or sharing of needles. The only infection route was to be self manicure kits are sharing the same incidence of the HIV virus also cousins.

The medical journal AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses indicates general use tools maybe is the new path of transmission of HIV virus. Even so, the scientists said the way of transmission of this deadly virus is rare and fairly low infection risk.

According to Dr. Brian Foley, an HIV researcher at Los Alamos, United States of America, this disease will not induce people shunned, stigma of HIV infected people, because of the risk of new infection is extremely low.

He said the HIV virus is not transmitted through normal contact such as sharing food or drink a glass of water. The spread of HIV through map making nails is a rare case so people should not further stigmatized and shunned people infected. Things to keep in mind is that we should be cautious when using these tools have the potential to cause the open wound, bleeding, making room.

Medical Director at Terrence Higgins, England proved sceptical with the incidence of HIV shared the editing tool by nails. He said that if then this is a case of extremely abnormal and hy possession by happened was too long (almost 10 years). Therefore, it is difficult to determine the origins of spread.

According to him, people should not see this too negative towards making push the stigma with people with the disease of the century. Instead, use condoms and make tests periodically.=



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