His se closed pores 'Super speed'

Skin hygiene

You should wash your face twice a day with clean cleaning products suitable for every skin type. Especially in the often very prone to oily skin you pores. Also you need to purge the page clean before bed.

Stone cold

Enlarged pores usually appears when the amount of sebum on the skin too much. So, clean daily skin hygiene is the best way to limit this status. Can you give a few small stones on a thin towel and DAB up the skin pores to in round 10-15 minutes.

Note, women should give skin "a rest" after every 15 seconds DAB stone cold by some sensitive persons, skin can be blush.


One of the best effective results in the collapse that pores are lemon. In many natural enzymes lemon help face skin firming, making clean pores, shrinks pores and skin do you light up each day.

Recipe with lemon is: You can mix 1 spoon of lemon juice with 1 cup purified water with 1/2 cup cucumber juice to form a liquid mixture. Then, lightly DAB the skin with a hole big leg up.

Useful enough enough

You can also make pores smaller with mashed papaya mask. This method not only help pore se young that it also purifies, exfoliate the skin, blackheads, oil reduction.

Egg white

Egg white is also very good to make face smooth skin with the oil. Mix 1 egg white with 1 table spoon of lemon, finely and then face up and up beat to dry.

Even you can multiply at wet mixture, up a piece of paper thin, smooth, tough up, wait for the mixture to dry, hang on paper then you jerks backwards piece of paper lengthwise from the bottom up. How will this help peeling a few small bran, making acne pores clean.


Honey will also help pores condensed because of the honey has antiseptic. Mix the honey with a little sugar and lemon, DAB up the skin pores.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice will also save her own enlarged pores. However, this is also not intended for people who have sensitive skin. Apply tomato juice up the skin pores to and to so to dry. After you rinse with cold water to get the best effect.

Rose water  Although the rose water is widely known but not everyone uses them everyday after you wash your face. Those who have oily skin and enlarged pores, rose water is effective actually help you reduce sebum and skin pores become se more snugly. By rose water helps the natural pH balance to the skin and cause the pores shrink more.

If you don't like using rose water, you can water roses homemade or more simply you can get cold stones rolling gently on the skin. Ice cold immediately helps the skin shrinks, thanks to which you will find as relaxing and smooth skin with pores se a lot more snugly.

Yogurt face mask

Lactic acid bacteria and probiotic support collapse the pores and skin care is very good. Besides, this method is also effective acne treatment. You can DAB the yogurt directly face up within 10 minutes and then rinse with clear water.


Exposure to ultraviolet rays of the Sun is also one of the causes should be enlarged pores. Therefore, she should use sunscreen in order to remove this condition and protect skin from the harmful effects of the Sun.

Purge the page before going to sleep

If kept the class makeup when you go to bed, your skin will "congestion", clogged pores then led to extended status. So, don't forget to purge the page and moisturize the skin before beginning the rest in the evening.

Avoid overuse of cosmetics

Use cosmetics help you to cover the defect, become beautiful. However, you should avoid the abuse by this will damage to your skin. If the user must note the liner protects the skin like moisturizers or chalk lining is suitable for every skin and allergy. Avoid the makeup of chalk covered directly to the skin because the chalk molecules enter the pores.

Avoid waxing arbitrarily

The use of a razor, tweezers pluck will help you quickly get rid of the condition of "micro-hairs" but easy to harm skin, makes pores were relaxed to come out. Therefore, you should avoid shaving or waxing products arbitrarily, often.

Do not arbitrarily moulding pimples

When you arbitrarily force India into the skin to blackhead crafting this easy movements, make the skin's epidermis floor was cracking. When the da truth hurt, the skin will be hard to produce new cells, the pores from which also enlarges and more visible.

Regular exfoliation

Exfoliation is the process of removing sebum, the oil and dirt from the skin, so the pores without excess fluid and the skin will open. This approach not only helps se snugly pores which also created the bright whiteness and smooth the skin stretch.

Some of the ways effective exfoliation:

-For 1 spoon fresh lemon juice, 1 spoonful of fresh milk into the strawberry puree, then DAB the mixture onto your face and neck, wait 15 minutes and then gently massage away dead cells on the skin. Finally, rinse the face with warm water.

-Take the green tea residue off the filter bag, mix together 1 table spoon of pure honey. Massage this mixture up sides within 3 minutes and rinse with cold water.

-Mix 1 cup of sea salt with 2-3 spoons of honey and a half cup and fresh essences and soothing Aloe Vera face mask. After 15 minutes, you rinse with clear water.

Eating enough of these nutrients

Large pores often is a sign of the lack of nutrients. So, if want to own smooth skin beautiful, dashing, she should have enough quality diets consisting of various vegetables, fruits rich in vitamin C and E.

These foods promote collagen production in the skin and astringent snugly pores. Besides, you can also reduce the scars, acne when the consumption of this food.=



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