Made durable color hair dye

Hair dye has become too familiar trend with my sister. However, only beautiful hair color and keep the original in a shimmering color 2 weeks early, then fade away. Recipes help hair always durable below will be extremely useful for you.

Choosing the right shampoo

You will surprise to know that SPF is not just for the skin but also extremely helpful with hair. Because, the candles do not have protection component, the ultraviolet rays will easily penetrate the cuticle of the hair and cause oxidation or the eraser color.

So, to protect your hair, please select the skillful shampoo has a SPF 12 and over. In addition, the selection of shampoos and synchronous discharge will increase the intensity of support with the help of more durable hair. In no case can choose shampoo choice, make a 1/2 cup of water and 1 teaspoon of sunscreen SPF 25, stir and then let into the spray and use after shampooing to have similar uses.

Shampooing properly

A few days ago decided to dye, you should be cleaning the hair carefully to replenish moisture, help hair "eat" more drugs. When the hair dye you should nhóe first rule is no shampooing and scratching in the first 3 days of new strong hands dyed. This will help limit allergy due to dye new color class and keep clinging to the hair cells deep, from which help the hair durable.

Next, you should not shampoo with water too hot that should choose warm water or cold. While shampoo, shampoo should not directly with tap water is discharged. Best, reduce the strength of the water pour out the pots or use filters on the shower.

Limit the hairdryer

Hairdryer will often make the hair being the impact of heat makes the brittle, hot dry and dull. So, only if really necessary, you should use the dryer in cool mode. At best, should be wiped dry hair with soft towel and to dry hair naturally.

Choose the right dye

Select the color contrast perfectly with the natural hair color will be a bold decision, but also means that you have to "Chase dyed" constantly, even when the hair grows out. Instead, you should select the same tone with more natural hair color or dye ombre to avoid having to dye too many times.

Choose a good dye

If to much exposure to the Sun, please choose the dye composition-containing nutrients. After staining, you should select the type of shampoo or discharge dedicated to hair dye to limit drift.

Limit exposure to hot air dryer

After shampooing, you should dry hair by fan or hong driers refrigerator. Avoid drying your hair with the hot dryer as heat will do the hair does not promptly adapted (are wetting the hot switch) should be vulnerable the epidermis and was split. In addition, if not really necessary, you should also limit the brush hair dryer too often, do affect the durability of the dye.

Limit exposure to the Sun

As well as the skin, the hair has many layers of cells and the outer layer is very vulnerable to the smoke and dust pollution and ultraviolet. With dyed hair, Sunshine also cause the colors to fade easily and his hair becomes fibrous.

After dyeing the hair, if it is sunny out, you need a shield for hair with hats and neat hair column with the type of grip is somewhat how to roll hair in. Limited to the top of the ceiling under the sunshine in period from 10 h am to 15 h.

Mask for hair

For some hair dye, you should use hair mask to create the protective membrane layer long hair color goes as follows:

Hair dyed brown/black

After the first wash, you DAB water evenly black hair up, café, massage gently for about 3 minutes then rinse tops hair legs with warm water. Done 1 time per week.

Blonde hair dye

You get about 20 Rosemary to boil the same ½ liter of water. Great-grandson took a special juice and apply to the hair and hold for about 15-20 minutes. Hard done 1 time per week, oil substance in the leaves of Rosemary will be light golden shades and osmosis of dye.

Hair dye purple/red

For ½ ripe strawberry say to dilute hydrogen peroxide paste for about 20 seconds and then apply to hair dye mixture used before staining to keep long lasting color fade effect.=



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