Make-up recipes from natural materials

After a day of makeup, our skin will become tired and the purged page is the first step in the process of skin care. The use of the type of eraser sale page available in addition to the market can cause skin corrosion due to contain many chemical.

So why don't we try switching make-up with natural ingredients? They fit securely but not expensive.


Honey is the type of natural skin care cosmetics demonstrator there in your own family, is one of the types of cosmetics are sisters very unpopular. You can use honey to make beautiful hair, nail care, Skin Whitening and especially honey also uses make-up so good that not everybody knows.

It's simple, you just need to take a little bit of honey and apply to the face into thin layers. Then you have to wash your hand to gently massage. The process of massage will help face skin absorbs nutrients from the honey, and remove scum, dirt sticking on the skin. Next you take the cotton make-up wipe and rinse with water.

Spanish conversation

Spanish conversation beyond the treatment of acne, reducing bruises lightening, we also used to massage the face and body scrub very effective site. Spanish conversation contains the necessary nutrients to the skin and lots of pure water will help strengthen skin moisture and absorbs nutrients from them in the best way.

To use Spanish conversation, you simply split the casing and take the gel inside and then offset them on the face. To mask this in about 15 minutes and then rinse with water as you've quickly removed residue makeup cling on the skin.


One other hint for the removal of layers of makeup that is using the cucumber. Much like Spanish conversation, in cucumber contains quite a lot of water and vitamins needed for the skin. So the cucumber fruit is considered indispensable in every family and especially for women.

You take a cucumber and then Peel and dice them. Add to that half a cup of fresh milk without sugar and small heat them in about 10 minutes. Wait for the mixture to cool and you get them gently DAB onto the face. The massage a few minutes to take away the dirt before washing them with water.

In addition, you can combine just purge the page and acne by taking cucumber juice mixed with few drops of baby balm, mask Type this just helps you clean the skin has just brought the feeling soft to the skin.=



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