The beauty way 'ridiculous' of the stars

Snooki hosts exfoliation by slag of cats

The star of reality television programs have used approximations of the cat to use as common clay mask. However, in the opinion of the experts, the soil particles can cause scratches to the skin, leading to inflammation and swelling of the skin.

Also, this is the land of the cat's waste seepage should help it is also hygroscopic, this will make your skin dry.

Kate Middleton used lotion from the sting of a bee

Not only famous styles of fashion sophistication, Princess he was very "good" for the category of beauty. To keep skin smooth, limit the wrinkles, Kate often use a type of expensive skin cream made from bee sting. Each cream jar 50 ml has a price of up to US $ 55200 and beauty methods from folding 8 times as expensive bees up the Golden mask.

Demi Moore beauty with Big Daddy.

In a U.s. television program, the star of The Ghost has revealed her secret older than the age of 51. She admitted to giving his blood to leech detox and bring back the youthful looks. Demi said: "Leeches secrete an enzyme has the effect of filtering the blood. After therapy this way, I feel very good. "

Victoria & Beck used the lotion from bird droppings

The beauty of this method comes from Japan, the geisha used to help bright white skin. After a next country cherry, Victoria and her husband had "a crush" how beautiful this outlandish.

Of species of Songbird that contains enzymes, have the ability to clean up dead cells, and create an whitening skin smooth. 2 times every month, Vic comes to beauty spa with this method and each time like her consuming about 215 USD.

Serena Williams used 1000 litres of mineral water to bath

Different from the discharge on the roller, the American tennis star has a habit of making beautiful luxuries. It was soaking in the bathtub with 1000 liters of mineral water nature and hundreds of fresh rose petals, while beauty staff perform the massage movements and Serena sipping fruit, champagne.

Mila Kunis lighten skin with rubies and diamonds

This is the method of beauty by famous cosmetic specialist Scott-Vincent Borba creation and are among the most expensive ways of beauty today. Implement this method, expert beauty will use the stone's ruby and diamond rub lightly to the skin to take away the dark cells.

Then, they used to use a mask layer is composed of lactic acid to irritate your skin a beautiful glow. Before these important premiere, Mila Kunis is done as this.

Make-up Lady Gaga eyes with adhesive tape

The opinion of the experts is that if you try this method, you should be cautious. The layers of makeup there is often quite difficult to naturally purge the page, so in this case, duct tape can be a little tip for you.

Fabric tape will be the most gentle types for your skin. But if your skin in the form of super sensitive or prone to blush, don't think of this method and be loyal to the usual page purge type.

January Jones eats the placenta itself to get in shape

According to experts, does not have a study would have been scientifically proven to see the benefits of eating the placenta. Actually, eating the placenta has been referred to as a work for types of mammals, not humans. By in the placenta has a number of substances that are harmful to humans when we use them.

Amy Winehouse skin care by urine

Female singer trying too has a habit of using his own urine is rubbed onto the skin surface in the morning. This is an important stitch in the beauty care process daily of Winehouse. Not yet have official information about the beauty of this method but it is very ... and not everyone would dare to do.

Kim Kardashian and Gisele Bundchen skin with blood

How do beautiful Kim Kardashian initiated is considered as quite creepy and bizarre. Blood is taken from the arms will be put through centrifuges to remove platelets and then injected directly onto the face of Kim.

According to the explanation of the people in your way, to help your skin radiant and shining. Although the each beauty this type consume pretty much the first but apart from Kim Kardashian, supermodel Gisele Bundchen is also a trend ... the horror.

Gong Li gold implantation under the skin

Looking at Gong, no one thought she was 48 years old by your skin always stretch smooth, shiny and very few wrinkles. Those of you in the profession of Gong Li has revealed that: all over your face are the gold thread implantation. Thanks for that, not forever young Gong Li's face. This method is also much other favorite Chinese Star.

Chi Cheung keep in shape with diuretics

To keep the last slender people, American actress and Hong Kong was taking diuretics for water storage restrictions. She has successfully owned compact stature worthy of dreaming but in return, Cheung also must pay the price. She suffered nephritis.=



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