The interesting thing about the skin you may not know

Drinking enough water helps skin beautiful

Other than the hot season, cold season sexy little buds need to drink water. Therefore, your skin will be more at risk of being affected. Drinking lots of water does affect the moisture on the skin but the lack of water, the skin will dry out faster here. Water purification should toxins increase the "battle" of the skin before the onslaught from the external environment (pollution, ultraviolet rays, cigarette smoke, etc.). Drink 1.5 liters of water a day and enough to start the day with a cup of warm water to it. Outside the country, women can drink fruit juices, water, tea or even broths are good.

Exercise helps prevent wrinkles

Regular exercise not only have the effect of promoting collagen production in the skin but also help push the toxins out of the body. When the amount of collagen is increased, the skin becomes bright, healthy, smooth and stress significantly reduced wrinkle condition.

Skin smooth thanks to fruits and vegetables

Rich in water, vitamin C, beta carotene and other antioxidant substances, fruit and vegetables are not the bright, smooth skin but also increase the elasticity to the skin. In particular, vitamin C also stimulates the formation of collagen. Some foods good for skin. Vegetable juice is a great water harbouring much antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and other micro-nutrients that your skin becomes healthier and more youthful. Always use at least 60% of the fruit and vegetable juice of green leaf color to create a good taste delicious and nutritious drink for your skin. You can combine try bananas, blueberries and spinach, kale with little water.

Light skin radiant, thanks to good digestion

To light skin, the best way is interest to take care of digestive system. SIP 1 to 2 boxes of yogurt every day and eat more green vegetables to enhance the fiber. Besides, the living mode: sleep-eating in moderation, don't stay up late, work out the body often ... is also essential for the operation of mechanisms. Yogurt containing probiotic natural types, helps replenish good bacteria to the body. The research confirms the yogurt helps to improve digestive problems, help avoid acne, the inflammation on the skin. However, you should choose the type of sugar because if not it tends to do more severe acne.

Strongly stain human skin when as many years

The level of skin goes directly proportional to the number of years. When more age, the skin will lose their brightness and smooth tension. This condition may be due to the gradual loss of collagen, vitamin B12 deficiency, or due to the stagnant of iron in the body, especially the liver and certain other organs, including the skin. In addition, hormonal disorders factor also makes the skin darker. Therefore, women should take care of your skin and having a reasonable diet.

The skin may be "down-level" before age 18

The majority of women often believe that the skin will not aging before the age of 20. However, experts said the skin was "damaged" between 50-60% before or when you are 18 years of age by causes such as: acne, acne, Sun ... Therefore, to own the youthful skin, you should have a skin care regime soon.

Skin condition expressing the health

These phenomena on the skin is one of the sign distinctly shows the health status. Hormonal imbalance causes skin dryness. If strongly stain human skin goes, maybe you are iron deficiency or vitamin. Or if there are many in the nose wrinkle, the body has the ability to infect on the heart and spine. Therefore, she should pay attention to your skin to "getting sick" for the body.

The massage helps facial

Regular massage helps the body of spiritual comfort card is relaxing. In addition, this routine is also very good for your skin because it promotes collagen production. So, you share more youthful with the skin taut and smooth.

Dirty hands making infested skin

The hand contains millions of bacteria, so touch up the face frequently will make you suffer from acne and cause other diseases involving the skin. The Little Mermaid should also double hand hygiene before makeup. Create a daily hand washing habits is not only good for the body but also helps the skin healthy.

Each person's skin pigmentation near the same

The amount of each person's skin pigmentation does not have many differences. Lightening freckles, stains or darkened skin regularly due to disorders of melanin (the pigment in skin colour). The Sun, cosmetics, mental stress on long, hormonal changes when pregnant and in early menopause ... will directly influence the process produces melanin-the main agents directly caused irregular distribution of skin pigmentation. Therefore, you should relax for comfortable dining, spirits, do not use foods with stimulants, avoid taking many cosmetics ... in order to take care of your skin and skin pigmentation is evenly distributed.=



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