The most controversial movements of the first half in 2015

1. Take a picture with your feet "bushy"


According to the Mirror, so that this Council can, you kids have to take and post photos "bushy" legs with the hashtag #hairylegs. Trend are many supporters with the reason to honor the beauty and expressing love for the female body.

Despite encountering criticism, thousands of girls all over the world still enthusiastically participate in this trend. Even, they still held the contest see the foot who had many feathers.

2. Flashed the bad side, many defects


According to the Daily Mail, #DontJudgeMeChallenge keywords we attention within the community network. Many young people join the trend by posting the clip "complete makeover".

They don't hesitate to do a bad acne when drawing himself, Mole, bushy eyebrows, thick lips ... to cause laughter. However after that, boys, this girl will delete the cons on the face to become hot boy, hot girl beautiful.

Movement was launched to help young people become more confident with all characteristics on the body. Accordingly, the beauty not only through its appearance, but also comes from the people.

3. Do the lip swelling


According to the Daily Mail, this flow ever made many people panic by not understand distortion of the faces of the participants came from. Inspired by a pair of Berry lips of the star tv Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner, the population of the network to "Kylie challenges" under the hashtag #kyliejennerchallenge.

This quirky fad attracts young crowd involved. Accordingly, the player will suck a bottle or tube-tight until the swollen lip, then take the picture posted to the network.

4. Measure the length of the legs

According to Shanghaiist, after photographs of the singer 's feet showing country music Taylor Swift on the network, the China Youth Daily Breeze fad began long legs. Besides the long slender legs showing pictures, many girls do not hesitate to share photographs "taken short do long" style of humor.

The young participants will compete the length by calculating the number of feet of the lap they can set foot across.

5. half face makeup


Recently, the girls around the world in response to the movement with a series of half-makeup picture posted under the hashtag #thepowerofmakeup. Therefore, they share many ways teach makeup and beauty secrets.

Unlike fad breeze feather, encourage women boldly with beauty "rude", it is regarded as trend reinforces the confidence of women thanks to the help of cosmetics. According to it, the message "women make beautiful as yourself, not for anyone else" also be radicular extensively.

6. Tan tattoo


According to Metro, people would easily find a series of pictures about this trend with the hashtag #sunburnart or #tantatoo. The Tan tattoo is honored is toxic, strange,.  To get a textured in this style, you just leave the skin in need of shaping not obliterate sunscreen and long exposure under the Sun. However, the speed of propagation of the waves has forced medical associations around the world to speak up about the dangers to health.  According to the American Cancer Society skin, who maintained on 5 Tan tattoo has the risk of Melanoma (the most dangerous form of skin cancer) up to 80%.

To get a textured in this style, you just leave the skin in need of shaping not obliterate sunscreen and long exposure under the Sun. However, the speed of propagation of the waves has forced medical associations around the world to speak up about the dangers to health.

According to the American Cancer Society skin, who maintained on 5 Tan tattoo has the risk of Melanoma (the most dangerous form of skin cancer) up to 80%.=



The trend

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