The secret to beautiful as Precious Ocean Africa

Eggs, honey, cinnabar for beautiful skin

The secret beauty skin of Precious African Ocean (Life Line) with just 3 simple ingredients are eggs still incubating in the drive, wax and cinnabar smooth approval. This time the beauty medicine article named "chicken egg cinnabar".

By taking a chicken eggs are also the hamlet in the drive when a hole in the top of the large, using straws-the yolk out, cinnabar powder into the egg and then use adhesive tape cut a hole, place sealed using heat flow to beeswax, closed place paste adhesive.

Reset the eggs for incubation mother chicken next. After 21 days, when the other eggs in the drive already hatched chicks, eggs, the quit peeling cinnabar, cinnabar part inside, finely sealed jars for his retirement.

In the evening, before going to sleep, use tincture of Roses (made from 100 gr of fresh rose petals soaked with 500 ml alcohol 70 degrees, food soaked in a glass jar, soak as long as 3 days is used), then DAB hand wipe the egg powder evenly onto the cinnabar. Whereby the skin of Precious Ocean Africa always smooth, bright white.

Eat more lychee

Ocean You Africa enjoyed eating the fruit ratio (outcome). This fruit contains more protein, fat, vitamins A, B, iron. In particular, according to Oriental medicine, the genus, not hot as many still think, that it is useful, Bhikkhu, nursing can, useful cheeks ...

In addition, glow, You use a little African Ocean ginseng soup, supplements the body, helps the skin healthy from inside.

Facial skin care

Masks Scrubs, white light of the Ocean You help Africa made from Pearl, Onyx, ginseng, all pulverized, mixed with flour, kudzu, apply to the face in the evening and then rinse, then massage.

Also daily cosmetics she is Thai Ruby Legs higher Ocean was prepared from almonds, jelly, light powder, musk, camphor, chicken egg white.

Cure black stains on the face with red apples

Beautiful people ever to make the sugar King Minh Hoang indulged when discovered sunspots on his face were ordered for the Royal doctors find a cure.

Then, with just a simple pill articles prepared from apples and persimmons ear that her beauty is maintained. How the drug post processing as follows:

Select 8-10 pink fruit apples (Zyzyphus sativa Mill.) the good kind, rinse with warm water, drained. Tremella fuciformis 30-50 g, hot water for soaking swells, finishing rinse with warm water.

For two things in the Super soil, cooked with 650ml water, left 150 ml. Eat whole, always warm at left. Eat 2 times in the morning and in the evening, after the feast 1-2 hours. The article also has the handy function of blood work, Bhikkhu menstruation.

Hot-spring baths

Besides regularly eat kudzu after the menstrual period to cool in person as well as the smooth skin, the Ocean You Africa also highly hot-spring bath to take advantage of the natural minerals in the water stream. Each time to the hot springs, she just dip just Pat onto the skin of the face and body.

Firepower, Africa do so because that was the Royal doctors said, on the face of a lot of information serve throughout the whole body, patted the serve can stimulate internal organs, promote the circulation of the blood, strengthens the toughness of the skin.

Strawberry leaf bath

In addition, to increase the attractiveness of your skin, fine Lam Zhao also regularly use the drug article Mulberry leaves from bath and nettle leaves (gai range). This is the kind of tree leaves contain more chlorophyll, can help calm nerves, boost skin regeneration process, making the skin bright chestnut, sweet ...

From the very simple recipes that craving Africa of the Visx increasingly beautiful. Almost every night, the emperor was not present in the ocean You Africa.

Eating papaya improved round 1

In addition to eat more papayas, Precious African slaves also Ocean fin soup Green enough enough to drink daily. Perhaps due to the preferred type of fruit when ripe is aromatic charm, Noble Ocean Africa accidentally became the first woman to discover the beauty of it.

Later, science has also pointed out that, papaya with high impact to the Cystic enlargement of the chest. Fruits are rich in nutrition. Papain in papaya substances have the ability to "Digest" proteins, carbohydrates and fats; the enzymes contained in papayas are useful, stimulating the secretion of female hormones and increases the size of a ring.

However, eating papaya live is not effective. Papaya dishes for the main tunnel which Ocean You Africa new daily diet is nutritious remedy for the mountain's twin sister.

A method to increase the size of a ring so that Ocean Science You know Africa was used from that time to massage the chest. After the shower, she's wrong a slaves to massage the "double mountain" for her. The massage after the bath can stimulate the blood circulation, help the healthy and toned chest.

The Chinese medical House reaffirm today, the secret of the Ocean You Africa is one of the solutions to increase the size of a ring quite efficient that doing simple again. If perseverance applied this secret, the sisters today will also improve "double peach Bong mound".=



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