These nail care tips at least know for sisters

The lovely nails not only reflects your health but also make the perfect appearance. In addition to ensure the nourishment to meals to nail health and durability, you can update a few more tips to protect beautiful nails.

Nail care habits

Nail help for your hands, but you should also not to paint colors exist too 7 days because that makes the nails easier. So, after one week, you should delete the paint color on the nails, the nails to relax and unwind, then be repainted to the new nail color.

Use Paint to protect the nails get better: don't think that just the extra paint, Paint ball, you know the uses of this paint is to protect the nails from the harmful external agents. So, when you just want to do the harmonies just want protects nails, used to paint ball.

From hand-soaking habit in the water too long: If you often have the habit of doing home work do not use gloves now instead, please wear gloves to protect the nails, avoid to nail the exposure too long in the water. You need to remember that should not abuse the cleaners! These substances are easy to injure your nails.

In addition, you should also not gnaw, bite your nails. When the nail scratches, use the map between the nail instead of putting your hands in your mouth bites.

Avoid using more cleaning, paint nails

When you paint the nails and want to change, should limit the used cleaning nail. If you want, you should only use 1-2 times/month and absolutely avoid the kind of nail paint remover that contains acetone, dry and damage-causing compounds with nails.

Wear gloves

In particular, don't you ever nail abuse to nạy, open the cans of water, split the crust hard as fruit or nuts. Wearing gloves is needed when you are in contact with water and detergent chemicals. Many women forget that, the cleaners are "enemies" of one of the pair of nails because they are easy to make for your nails to dry, splintered or grainy, lost beauty.

When do the dishes, wash the bowl, clean up the garden you should wear gloves. Detergent that causes should hand Assembly and do rough lumpy nails. Sandy soil is also dirty and damaged nails.


While watching television you can enlist DAB of moisturizer to the skin of the hands, massaging matching the hand. This helps the skin more smooth and soft hands you more beautiful, at the same time it helps moisturize to help smooth the nail, the nail.

Don't hurt the nail

Often short cut your nails. Avoid biting the nails to help foundations with less risk of damage or infection.

Not hurting the nails because nails can cause infection, prevent the growth of the nails, or causing bruises. Go to the doctor as soon as possible if the nails black and blue.

Drink lots of water

Countries of importance to human health and help the nails being dry, moisture retention not only nails but also with skin, hair and many other parts.


This method needs a little patience but you will surely not be disappointed about the effects of it. You can choose from lotion, moisturizing oil, homemade mixture as on to massage all around the nail. The massage method is also very simple, you just need to use your hands are claws, massaging gently around the nail until the cream penetrates the skin, nail through the end.

Soaking nails in olive oil

As for the nails are thin and weak expression, you should soak in pure olive oil from 10-15 minutes every day, performing continuously for 1 month, then descending to just twice a week. This inexpensive way that helps nails to become healthier.

Mixture of olive oil and lemon juice

A small spoon of olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice will help recovery for dry, brittle nails. Use this mixture for at least 2 times a week to notice the change. How to do well the extremely simple, you just need to massage this mixture evenly around the nail, let the mixture penetrates and if you want to work faster, you can wear gloves and to spend the night.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is one of the ingredients that are beneficial for health and beauty. So, no surprise when Vitamin E is also for your nails. To Vitamin E works best, make a massage oil with Vitamin E are around nails, wear gloves and to overnight for osmosis ceases on the nail.

Green tea essential oil and vitamin E

A small spoon mixture essential oil of green tea and a few drops of vitamin E is the "potion" to get the healthy nails. Similar to a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, you just need to massage this mixture evenly in order to see the effect.

Sea salt

Mix 2 small spoon of sea salt with 2 drops of lemon juice or olive oil, pour the mixture into a bowl of warm water and soak your hands in 10 to 15 minutes. Done regularly twice a week and you will notice your nails become more healthy, no longer brittle.


Beer is back working for the nails? Quite a surprise! 1/4 cup olive oil with 1/4 small cups of Apple Cider vinegar, continuing to pour forward in that mixture into 1/2 cup small beer and then soak the nails in this solution for about 15 minutes. After using this measure not long, for sure you'll see an immediate effect!

Lemon juice

After using the cleaning nail color then you will see the nails and the skin around the nails were dry, the nails become brittle, peeling as well to back tough yellow. The best solution for this case is lemon juice! Be squeezed a little lemon juice, use cotton pads into dots and wipe all the nails. Continue to massage the remaining lemon juice part around your finger and then rinse.

Rational diet

Sensible eating, properly bringing healthy for your nails. You should increase the amount of canxium in daily meals. Fresh milk, the pill, the food like yogurt, cheese, sardines, green vegetables, cabbage ... full canxium additional help for the body each day. Canxium good for nail creation process is sure and strong.

A nutrient that you should replenish the body's Omega-3 acids, because this is also a very important nutrient for the Foundation. Omega-3 acids are acids that the body can hardly be synthesized self that need through dietary supplements. Omega-3 acids in particular have many kinds of fish, oily fish, such as tuna, sardines. You can also supplement of omega-3 acids by taking a fish oil capsule every day. Fish oil also brought great benefits to the hair and nails.

One of the things you should do every day is to provide enough water for the body. Providing adequate water for the body not only helps to soften your nails, avoiding peeling your skin but also helps you be more beautiful morning.

Green vegetables and legumes will make nails stronger nails, not sure with broken or .your defense. Plant protein contained in foods is effective medication post for women.=



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