Tip 'file' long and thick eyelashes beyond imagination

Long lashes and soaring curved double can viewed as the perfect wing help adorn our eyes more attraction. Not only that, the longer eyelashes ensure a more lofty best mission is to help protect the eyes from the threats from outside as smoke, sweat and dirt.

There must be real long and beautiful eyelashes is the desire of so many girlfriends but you can very well her "tiny, or partly because of how care is unknown. The same reference the way foster effective lashes here!

How pruning helps lashes longer!.

Cut lashes was also a measure to stimulate the development of mi. Some of you accidentally burn her eyelashes and a surprise when the result is then you have a long and thicker. However, this approach will require persistence and then waited in the long run, the new lashes grow back. And note that you should only cut a small part but lashes is not cut down!

Eyelid massage

If you have eyelids, you may benefit by massaging gently. This helps to stimulate Eyelash growth. Using clean hands, gently use your fingers to massage the area along the banks of mi.

How long with castor oil

Ingredients: Castor oil or almond oil, vanilla, old small Bottles, mascara Brushes.

How to do: pour the Castor oil or almond oil and vanilla extract into the bottle by the formula 3 parts oil-1 part vanilla. Shake lightly to mix them. When used, the use of old mascara brushes has been washed, disinfected, embedded into the solution and then brushed up mi from the root to the tops of both mi and mi on the bottom. You should use 2 times a day and remember to purge the page before taking this natural mascara.

Taking vitamin E

Ingredients: vegetable oil, or vitamin E capsules, small Vases, cotton gauze.

How to do: Vitamin E is also a very good raw material used to make long and that you should not ignore. Very simple, you just need to get a few drops of vitamin E oil into clean jars, for then, cotton pads dipped in oil.

Scan this cotton pads onto eyelashes, from the root to the tops, on both sides of the upper and lower eyelashes.  You use the balm twice a day, usually in the morning before makeup and evening before going to sleep.

Help mi long and curled with coconut oil

Ingredients: coconut oil, olive oil, Vitamin E, small Vases, old mascara Brush or cotton gauze.

How to do: Retrieved 3 equal portions of 3 oils on to the clean jars. Clean mascara brush or cotton dipped into it, then sweep up the eyelashes, 2 times daily. You will surprise with the results achieved after a short time.

Nurture mi by green tea

In addition to applying Eyelash care with castor oil, why don't you try the green tea? Actually, green tea is rich in flavonoids, including epigallocatechin-3-gallate, including powerful antioxidants. Chúg also helps the optimal growth of eyelashes

To apply Eyelash care remedies using green tea, you apply the wash water green tea on eyelashes every day but avoid let them fall into the eye. Then, rinse them with cold water.

Petroleum jelly

In fact the House you usually have available a bottle of vaseline or some other jars instead. This will help hold moisture and protect your lashes, helps keep the Cilia are flexible and can develop a maximum of lashes.

Before applying, removing any Kohl persist in the eyes of you. Gently apply the vaseline this moisturising with a new/clean mascara brush. Suggest to them to save on lashes through the night.

Only remove oil and vaseline on the next morning before you wash your face. To be effective, you take this measure at least 3 times per week.

The diet

You have no surprises when the first step is to nurture a long back is improving the diet? Practice has showed that if you do not have the proper nutrition you will prevent the growth of hair, nails and eyelashes all again of course. Such firepower is because the Cilia, the hair is made by a type of protein called keratin (the same type of protein contained in toenails, fingernails).

So, to have thick and long lashes, the bạnbcần do right is abandoning the menu lacking in nutrients and supplements right into his meal the high protein content of foods such as fish, tofu, eggs, liver and lean meat. Along with essential fatty acids contained in many vitamin E in soybeans, avocados, beans, olive oil ...

In addition, the drinking habits of water not drying the skin, the hair fiber that also caused her loss of eyelashes due to water shortages, especially in the cold. In addition, these habits as using waterproof mascara or wash using the gels are all reasons I mi curved continuous loss and dryness.

Harmful habits lashes, women should avoid

Too many eyelashes to rub when make-up or cleanser. According to the calculations of the experts, though he owns a healthy lashes then every time you rub on the eye area is going to have a minimum of 1-2 strands of Eyelash loss. So, to thin and short shirt double nightmare vanish, you should use the dedicated page for removal water eye and calm, gentle when washing into the eye.

Essentially the clamping, bending and brush the mascara is the use of glue or mechanical cause distortion if eyelashes glue quality is not guaranteed, it will cause a hardening of the eyelashes, Eyelash loss earlier than usual, especially corneal infection by mascara is open, plug back into the nebulizer after each use has created conditions for the bacteria proliferate within.

Eyelash tweezers tools very harmful, this type can extend mi and gives you lashes curled up charm, but sometimes the result will reverse. If so, provide the thread might be pulled off and leads to the condition serious Eyelash loss. Therefore, if you have to use this tool regularly, then you must be careful.

Although the use of a cart or just add a few false eyelashes on the eyelid, it still may be the reasons why lashes fall out, and especially when you remove fake eyelashes is not the right way. Moreover, the glue mi can also pull in the strands of your natural eyelashes, so better avoid using false eyelashes.=



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