Wanting to wear a beautiful lens, you must remember these important notes

Currently, lens wearing has become popular, not only in terms of convenience but also very aesthetic. A pair of suitable lenses will make your eyes become big, round, have special colors and will attract the opposite. However, how to use it to not cause bad effects on the eyes. We need to take note of this issue.

1. Clean the lens

The lens cleaning is extremely important when you use the lens, because if not cleaned regularly, carefully and properly, the lens will be infected and the word will bring bacteria to your eyes. Many people often take normal water or salt water to wash the lens but that's a mistake, because even what kind of water can make the lens contaminated, infected. So use a specialized cleaning solution of the lens to ensure the safety of your eyes.

Also, when using your hands to wear contact lenses, you must pay attention to your nails. Because the nail is quite sharp and where many bacteria are produced, it is easy to tear or scratch the glass, or it is more difficult to ensure than to scratch the eye membrane and also make it easier for bacteria to enter. If you want to wear a lens manually, remember to clean your hands and cut your nails neatly.

2. Do not reuse disposable lenses

The disposable lens is often favored by women because it does not take care of preservation, but it can bring about quick results. However, because it is disposable, the glass is not resistant to dirt. This type of glass is only designed for use during the day so it should be removed immediately after use. If used again, it will cause unforeseen injuries to your eyes.

3. Do not wear the lens for too long

If wearing lenses for a long time, will lead to blurry eyesight. The reason is that the lens will prevent the eye from contacting with the air, causing the cornea to be deficient in oxygen, which may lead to eye scarring.

Lens wearing time depends on the health, eye condition and living environment of each person. For those who often work in polluted environments, should only wear lenses for about 3 to 4 hours. Also at noon or at night is the time to rest your eyes, you should also remove the lens. That would be better for your eyes.

4. When you are in eye pain, do not wear a lens

When the eye has pathological signs such as swelling, redness, tearing, stop using the lens immediately. You should get an eye exam right away, which may be an expression of eye problems. Especially if the glass is torn, or scratched, it must be removed immediately. If you try to wear it, your cornea will be damaged, which can cause permanent blindness.

5. Do not use the lens together

This is an important principle when using lenses. Because this is one of the causes of eye problems. And each person will be suitable for a type of glass with different shapes and sizes, so if you don't wear the right eye lens you will feel uncomfortable and can cause dangerous conditions for the eyes.

6. Should use eye drops regularly

When wearing a lens, the oxygen exchange process in the cornea will be limited to dry eyes, if left too dry, it will lead to dangerous diseases such as ulceration or blindness. This is the reason you need to use eye drops, because in eye drops there are artificial tears, which can provide enough moisture to the eyes.

7. Wear dustproof glasses when going out on the street even when using a lens

Many of you are quite subjective when you think that just wearing a lens is an eye that is absolutely protected! And so when you go out on the road you don't wear any extra eye protection. But this is not true, especially when you have to go out on the street or go to places with lots of dirt and there are extremely many dangerous pathogens. In addition, the fact that sand dust, . in addition to flying directly to the eyes also causes scratching on the lens, or scratching the eyes. That's why always remember to protect your eyes while walking on the street even though you wear lenses.

8. Wear lens before makeup

Many girls who wore make-up before wearing the lens, this is completely taboo. Because, if lens is attached to a little bit of mascara or eyeshadow dust, it can cause your eyes to become infected. Not to mention, when wearing a lens, your hands can smudge the eye makeup you have done, or the accidental tears will blur the lines drawn on your eyes. So wearing a lens before applying makeup is an optimal decision.

Anyone of us wants to have beautiful eyes, but having healthy eyes is even more important. Hopefully the above notes will help you to always protect your eyes.



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