12 simple ways to help parents elected to end back pain

Back pain is a common symptom and cause discomfort for the mother elected almost throughout the pregnancy, especially in the last three months. The cause of this phenomenon is due to the increased weight and hormonal changes in pregnancy plus growth of the fetus causing the muscles and ligaments were chill out. While not affecting the fetus but back pain caused my mother voted quite annoying, aches ... So how to curb this situation, inviting parents along the way the reference below:

1. exercise regularly

Back pain is a common symptom and cause discomfort for the mother.

Parents can walk, weight ... also has the effect that helps the muscles to be relaxes, reduces back pain effectively.

2. yoga

A job needed to reduce back pain when pregnant it is parents should sign up for a yoga class. A few from the simple yoga will help relax your muscles and back pain effectively.

3. Swim

Swimming is the method to help reduce the pressure on your back and joints are very effective. With the support of the country, parents will no longer feel the pain. She elected to swim or even walking in the pool, drop people in the pool were very beneficial to the back.

4. Acupuncture

If you feel too Achy, parents can elect to acupuncture professionals to be treated. However, when performing this method my sister needed to find people who have the expertise to avoid the risks that can occur.

5. Use of knee support

To reduce pain, parents should vote thanks to the support of a pillow placed in a Chair or in a car seat or wherever mother or sit. When sitting, on a little high also works to help parents elected to relieve back pain.

6. Use the pillows when sleeping

The last three months of pregnancy, growing belly causes more difficulty sleeping mother. If back pain again as I feel uncomfortable. So, to have comfortable sleeping posture, sister so thanks to the support of a pillow under the belly and stats should be lying on the left side to the blood circulation to fetus and mother vote also feels comfortable, easy breathing.

7. Use the belt support

Abdominal support belt elected today are sold widely on the market have helped lift belly and help reduce the pressure on his back.

8. Massage

General massage remedies are good for those who suffer from back pain. Even when you are pregnant, massage is a treatment options for back pain safely

9. Select the shoes comfortable

You keep those heels are not safe. Rather it should choose the shoes with soles.

You keep those heels are not safe. Rather it should choose the shoes soles by having the seals inside.

10. Avoid lift heavy objects

If you are required to pick up the map, I don't vote don't back up and bowed by the backbone. When you gain weight, with the map has a large weight you must limit the end of the level. Listen to your body and be careful if you find too much.

11. Stand up straight

Parents should keep standing upright when travelling or having to stand for long.

Parents should keep standing upright when travelling or having to stand for long. This will avoid causing pressure on the back and make his back was aching.

12. Apply hot or cold

This is also the method is many parents elect option to reduce back pain. Parents can ask him back by cold warm towels or social conditioning will help relieve back pain.=



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