12 things when pregnant sisters should avoid

1. Avoid stress

Stress and tension attacks your body according to surprising ways. In pregnant women, stress can cause constipation, back pain, insomnia, and even lead to premature birth or low birth weight baby.

2. Eat for two people

A lot of parents elected to think when there are babies, they themselves have to eat twice as much as usual. In fact, you only need to add the 200-400 calories per day, depending on your weight before pregnancy as well as the stage of your pregnancy.

3. Avoid tobacco smoke

Smoking is extremely harmful to the fetus (as well as for yourself), so when pregnant mother should absolutely avoid cigarette smoke, not only is non smoking.

When parents smoke, the baby will suffer from lack of oxygen. This can cause the baby to grow more slowly and less weight. Tobacco smoke is also the causes of premature birth and other complications during pregnancy.

4. Avoid contact with cat feces

Toxoplasmosis parasite have in cats can cause severe birth defects to the fetus even though do not affect the mother. Therefore, if you have a pet, you should seek other people cleaning up cat droppings households. To ensure absolute safety, good for you never comes near the waste of all kinds of pets.

5. Turkish Bath, sauna and spa

In the early months of pregnancy, the fetus in the abdomen you will be very sensitive to the change in the temperature of the body. So the activities such as the sauna or the Turkish bath can do the body temperature rises and lasts for a period of time can affect the development of the fetus.  The study said that pregnant women were so hot from the steam will easily cause malformations of nervous baby (when the brain and the spinal cord develops incorrectly).

Normal body temperature ranges from 36.1 to 37.3 degrees and pregnant women are advised not to stay in the environment the body temperature to rise above 39 degrees.

6. Avoid eating fish containing mercury

Some types of fish contain mercury in their fatty tissues such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tuna, Seabass, and tilefish. Canned tuna contains less mercury, but still should be eaten in moderation. When a pregnant woman consumes large amounts of mercury, the baby may suffer brain damage.

For those who love to fish in lakes and rivers, you need to be careful of fish that contain industrial pollutants called polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in chemistry polyclo have adipose tissue. Pregnant women consume large quantities of PCBs will decrease the memory, decreased attention, and IQ in their babies .

7. Do not use the alcoholic, caffeine

When you drink alcoholic beverages, a certain amount of will through the placenta that transfers to the fetus. Thus, pregnant women are advised not to drink alcoholic beverages. There are specific figures demonstrate the alcohol safe for pregnant women and babies is at any rate, should you remember abstinence of alcohol during pregnancy.

When pregnant, she elected to be advised to limit the use of drinks contain caffeine such as tea or coffee. The safe concentration for she voted on a 200mgs. One cup coffee makers usually contains about 130mgs. But for the best, though you should still avoid this drink types. The carbonated drink or tonic water is also a drink she should vote more. If cravings, you can drink the sugar-free kind.

8. Massage with aromatic oil

Pregnancy massage is very beneficial as it helps you relax, relieve the pain related to the pregnancy. However, there are some essential oils to use when the massage is not good for my mother specifically elected, it can cause miscarriage or abortion. Some oils have ingredients like juniperberry can stimulate uterine contractions, causing the risk of premature birth. According to the scientists, the oils from Orange, tangerines are always safe with her mother elected you. However, you should consult a specialist.

9. Go high heels

Not yet have scientific evidence confirms heels affect fetus however a fact can be seen as the parents elected to go high heels are easy at risk of falling. This is the same vvoo dangerous. Furthermore, heels will increase the risk of back pain, hip pain – this disease which is common in pregnancy. So, better off parents elected to stay away from high heels and shoes should only use bệt from 2-3.

10. Hair dye

According to scientific studies, the dangerous chemicals in hair dye can harm the mother. However, bad case only occur when you are exposed to a large dose. This risk is easy to happen in the first 3 months of pregnancy. So, to be safe for the fetus, the sisters should refrain from the desire to make beautiful off the first 3 months. When using hair dye, you should pay attention to choose drug ingredients from nature

11. Paint the House

In the paint contains solvents and chemicals can adversely affect the health of elected parent and the fetus. Research indicates that parents elected more exposure with the paint causing the fetus is capable of being gastroschisis (abdominal wall openings syndrome). However, the risk only occurs when the mother too much exposure.

In the last months of pregnancy, the mother elected often painted houses prepare to welcome my dear. So to be safe, the sisters should limit exposure to paint and to do helps the Township. You should also wear a password file to avoid inhaling the smell of paint.

12. Avoid smoking not according to the application, including Aspirin

During pregnancy, when using any medications, a woman must also follow a specified and according to the doctor's, avoid liberty buy medications without consultation and the approval of your doctor. By all I eat are passing through the placenta and the baby in the belly. Plenty good medications and even banned specify user as not good for the baby.=



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