12 your body changes during pregnancy

1. dark chest Skin

The skin of the chest, two nipple becomes darker, darker. This situation began to appear as soon as you become pregnant.

Many people believe that the dark chest skin is related to determining the gender the fetus, such as dark skin demonstrates you will born boys. However these are not point precisely because it is not based on any scientific base.

The skin darker breasts will disappear after you born in a natural way without you having to use any drugs.

2. Appetite

Many women become pregnant when she was like eating more, especially with some special dishes. Some she elected to candy sweet appetite, melons, apples, eggs, meat, milk ... While some others are less spooky than the hobby, they like both things are not foods, such as ground, wood ...

The cause is due to the hormonal changes of pregnancy at the same time it is also the way your body requires additional types of nutrients to feed the baby.

Proven appetite can only appear in the early stages of pregnancy or during pregnancy journey but it will lose after birth you. Should enhance the foods rich in vitamins and minerals to nutritional supplements for mothers and baby body, you should also pay particular attention to avoid gaining weight too quickly during pregnancy.

3. Or crying over

Many women during early pregnancy becomes more sensitive, they cry for many reasons not clear, including at looking at ads on television or sit reading ...

Firepower psychological changes so the body is due to hormone changes during pregnancy. Added to that is the stress, the worry, the unpleasant symptoms commonly seen when the secret vote as back pain, morning sickness, constipation, rắt ...

The disturbance of thyroid hormone in your body will return to normal after your baby is born. You should also strengthen the activities fun, relax, chat during pregnancy to avoid the stress and keep the spirit of comfort.

4. Body temperature increase

To the second quarter of pregnancy, sometimes you feel the engine suddenly heats up each cyclone, sweat, cheeks blush suddenly though you don't do anything.

This is completely common pinyin problem and nothing you need to worry at all. By the circulation of the blood vessels in your body causing you prospective pink cheeks rising rapidly. Meanwhile, sweat glands also stronger activity.

This is the phenomenon of body temperature changes in a normal way. So, your skin will return to nature then at least minutes.

5. The dark skin streaks to the lower abdomen

Some pregnant women appears the streak of dark skin in the lower abdomen while others do not. Many scientific studies indicate that the skin this dark streaks, is the result of a deficiency of folic acid for women during pregnancy.

You should notice a full diet of grain, dark vegetables or taking folic acid supplements as directed by your doctor. The dark skin streaks will naturally disappear after you born a couple of months.

6. thick or thinner Hair

Your hair can become thick and thin or sleek and more loss when pregnant. It is by changing the hormone HCG (pregnancy hormonal substances) in the body of the hair she elected to become thicker or thinner.

During this time, her vote should note the hair care, limiting the bending presses, hair dye, ... just make your hair go bad just not good for the health of the mother and the fetus. If the hair you shed more, you also should not be too worried, just need sanitary attention, frequent hair care.

7. Morning sickness

The vomiting is definitely not eWw gross parents would hope but this is again feeling the parents elected to the first 3 months. Sickness usually allergic to scents, this is how to prevent the body of dangerous substances in order to ensure the safety of the fetus.

In addition, hormonal changes in the body is also said to make her mother elected to suffer fatigue, nausea. To curb morning sickness, my sister can eat several small meals a day, drink lots of water, eat crackers, drink ginger tea.

8. Memory decline

You become more forgetful, from the important appointments to both the number of cell phones, house keys ... This was due to the amount of oestrgen and progesterone-related functionality in mind in your body decreases.

To overcome this memory decline in mother-elected, you should write out the tasks you have to complete in one day and rely on it to perform, you will avoid the memory status this, forget the other. Dementia symptoms when pregnancy is perfectly normal, you should not be too worried.

9. Bleeding Gums

The increase of the body's blood flow helps move blood and nutrients to the cervix and it causes bleeding in the gums, teeth, feet. You will get to see more clearly what this when brushing your teeth every morning. This symptom will relieved after childbirth.

To reduce the risk of bleeding gums, parents should choose the soft toothbrush and flossing to dental hygiene.

10. The toe swelling edema

The toes, especially the big toe swelling edema and bigger than normal. This condition is caused by so many factors cause. That could be evidence of swelling edema normally in pregnant women, can do you gain weight too fast causing the toes also become "fat" or because the ligaments (connecting muscles and bones) were collapsed and makes you a more bulbous toes.

You should not worry because this phenomenon will quickly lose after you born baby.

11. Back pain, hip pain

During pregnancy, the ligaments of the pelvis and the mother will suffer significant liquid does. This is why the sisters elected easily suffer back pain, hip pain. As of the end of the pregnancy, these symptoms became increasingly more aggressive up and parents should pay attention to going back to not affect health.

To reduce the symptoms of back pain, hip, parents should also limit the heels or shoes bệt soles. The most suitable type of shoe for extra production is 3-4.

12. Frequent urination

Often go to the toilet is something common in the she elected, by secret vote, when the pressure of the fetus up bladder, urethral and pelvic muscles will cause them to feel minor sad all day.

Not only urinate frequently, every cough or heavy work, you are also prone to minor són.=



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