3 should be avoided and 4 should help pregnant women give birth easily, children increase intelligence

3 activities that pregnant moms should avoid:

1. Bicycle:

During pregnancy, especially when entering the second quarter of pregnancy (from weeks 13 to 26), pregnant women need to stop cycling. Because this is when the body's center of gravity changes, cycling will become extremely dangerous for both mother and baby.

2. Running:

Jogging is a vigorous activity that can cause shock and very miscarriage. Jog should stop in the second quarter of pregnancy to avoid falling, instead switch to gentle walking.

3. Tennis and badminton:

These are the sports that require fast, strong, continuous movement speed, not suitable for pregnant women. Sisters will become very difficult to keep balance and stop suddenly, especially when the fetus is growing.

4 exercises should be maintained regularly

1. Kegels:

This exercise will help pregnant women strengthen pelvic muscles by improving strength floor muscles. These are the parts that help to effectively control incontinence when laughing or coughing - a condition that many pregnant women are easily exposed to during pregnancy. When exercising, keep pregnant muscles to relax.

2. Walking:

Walking around the park, where the fresh air is available in the early morning, or late afternoon, is great for pregnant women. Or more simply, pregnant women can also consider shopping in a mall. Gentle exercise, will help you psychological relaxation, children become strong, healthy.

3. Stretching exercises:

Stretching exercises will help pregnant women relax, elastic, flexible muscles, minimize soreness. You should try to stretch gently in comfort limits, do not be too stiff and must stop immediately if you feel uncomfortable or in pain.

4. Swimming

Swimming not only strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation, but also significantly enhances the oxygen level for both the fetus and the pregnant mother. Staying in the water can also help to relieve pain in the knee area - a symptom many pregnant women experience when the pressure of the abdomen presses down. Attention, women should breathe out and breathe deeply at the start of swimming.



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