3 types of women who are easy to get pregnant and give birth to children are also smarter than others

Menstrual periods are always regular

Women who have regular menstrual cycles are more likely to become pregnant than others because women have regular periods, their womb will be energetic and healthy.

Women who have irregular menstrual periods, always early or late, often experience abdominal pain during menstruation, suggesting that these women 's wombs are being invaded by cold air when brought Pregnancy will be more difficult and babies born usually do not communicate well.

Menstrual women are easy to get pregnant

There is no history of abortion

According to research by scientists, women who are easily pregnant then their womb is usually very healthy, which is the same as a woman without a history of abortion surgery in the past.

In today's life, young people now have a relatively open, open mindset that often occurs when they are pregnant, but can be for some reason, such as family objections or feeling. I myself am not eligible to have a baby . they will choose an abortion method for their future. But abortion women often have trouble getting pregnant the next time, even causing infertility.

Women who have never had an abortion are more likely to become pregnant

The best woman of reproductive age

According to scientific studies, women who give birth in golden age are more likely to become pregnant and their babies will be smarter. Therefore, scientists recommend that you give birth to children aged 25-30 years.

Because in this stage, the physical development of women is relatively complete, the ovaries are very healthy and very useful for sperm transplantation. If you miss the best fertility age, your body's different functions will gradually decline and your chances of conceiving will be greatly reduced.



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