4 foods that help the fetus grow in height from the womb


Chicken eggs are quite familiar to everyone because it contains the greatest amount of protein and calcium, helping to stimulate the development of the fetus, as well as the height of the baby right from the belly. mother.

Moreover, there are many Omega-3 fatty acids in eggs which are good for the development of the nervous system and young minds. Therefore, to ensure the health of both mother and baby, you should supplement food to help the fetus develop this best height during pregnancy.


Beef is a food with a high nutritional content and is also a food that helps the fetus to develop effective height. According to experts, if pregnant mothers use about 100g of beef per day, it will have a good effect on height stimulation for babies.

Eggs help the fetus develop superior height

In addition, beef is rich in protein to support fetal development and iron, important nutrients to help pregnant mother prevent anemia during pregnancy.


In the composition of calcium rich seafood is an important nutrient to support the formation of bones for young children, while helping stimulate the development of very good height, which in seafood foods contain content. Rich calcium.

Therefore, this is the food that helps the fetus to develop the optimal height that the mother should not ignore.

Seafood helps increase height

Milk and products

In the composition of milk contains many good nutrients for pregnant mothers. Milk and dairy products are great suggestions for mothers. According to the study, a glass of milk contains lots of calcium, nutrients that stimulate and develop height for the fetus.

Besides, milk also contains many other nutrients such as: Megie, phosphorus, vitamins, DHA, . help mother health, baby smart again.



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