4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstrates

When a woman is pregnant, the baby will start to develop from eggs and reach the standard weight over 3 kg at the ti4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstrates of birth. From the 10th week of pregnancy, the embryo will develop into a fetus. From this mo4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstratesnt, the fetus will grow fast. Consequently, she elected to go should be checked regularly.

While in the womb, if the fetus does not reach the expected growth, the index will likely lead to a number of complications during the pregnancy or after child birth. Here are 4 signs your baby is healthy or not.

After 5 months of pregnancy, the baby starts functioning in the uterus.

1. Fetus hyperactive

After 5 months of pregnancy, the baby starts functioning in the uterus. Baby's first activity easily identifiable as the fetus begins to pedal in the womb. Until Friday, the baby begins to react with the outside sounds by the move, so4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstratesti4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstratess the mother will feel like the baby is a step.

The seventh baby, to love will be the response to the stimuli such as light or noise and the pain. The baby started to change position in the eighth month and pedal into the womb so much. The doctor advised the mother to the baby's move4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstratesnts should, ideally about 10 stone ones, move, sột soạt or rolling in within 2 hours. The level of this baby is very healthy.

The baby's move4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstratesnts will reduce when the ninth to. At this ti4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstrates the fetus has matured in the womb and no longer blanks with its baby bike for. You can base these and inform your doctor promptly to see the extraordinary.

2. Growth and develop4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstratesnt

With the ultrasound, the doctor will determine the develop4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstratesnt of the fetus. Usually from May to Thursday, the baby will steady growth, reaching a length of 25 cm, and up 5 cm on each of the following month. As of June 7th, the fetus reaches 30 cm and up to the ninth month hovers over 40 cm to 50 cm.

3. Heart rate

Heart rate monitor is also a way to get to know the fetus healthy. The doctor watched by touching the abdo4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstratesn of the mother to listen to the beats of the fetus. On March 9, the baby's heartbeat love range from 110 to 160 beats per minute.

4. Change position when the sore tongue

Although the move4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstratesnt of the fetus ends on March 9 but definitely baby love will change position to be ready to co4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstrates to this world.

To the end of pregnancy, the baby will fall into the pelvis. Is so, the baby will feel comfortable even before as well as at the ti4 the basic signs for a healthy fetus demonstrates they are born (because the largest part of the body is the head and the shoulder was set at the widest place is the lower portion of the uterus).

In the process of birth, fetal head into the mother's pelvis, spine sections go through the entire surface of the pelvis, then rotate back to the womb, the fetus "stability positions" under the pubic bone joint and wait for the labor to out.=



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