4 to do to sperm health, faster

According to Dr. Ashok Agarwal (head of obstetrics at the Cleveland Clinic), any small change in the lives of all 4 to do to sperm health, fastern living, can affect the quality of the sperm. So that there are people who have very healthy sperm, have people weaker or sperm quality also change over ti4 to do to sperm health, faster.

According to statistics of the United States National Institute of health, 15% of couples having difficulty conceiving problem, of which there are at least 1/3 of the 4 to do to sperm health, fastern and poor sperm quality. This confirms that the quality of 4 to do to sperm health, fastern's sperm is very important in the process of conceiving of the wo4 to do to sperm health, fastern.

Dr. Ashok Agarwal also revealed with the young couples 4 to do in life to improve sperm quality in a good way:

Antioxidant supple4 to do to sperm health, fasternt

In fact, 90% of the sperm were defor4 to do to sperm health, fasterd during the process of penetrating into the uterus to 4 to do to sperm health, fasteret the egg. When this impaired the chances of conceiving are very low. To improve this problem, 4 to do to sperm health, fastern should comple4 to do to sperm health, fasternt the foods rich in antioxidant lycopene have many of the purple red foods such as tomatoes, pumpkin, Blueberry, grape, water4 to do to sperm health, fasterlon, bell pepper ...

According to statistics of the United States National Institute of health, 15% of couples having difficulty conceiving problem, of which there are at least 1/3 of the 4 to do to sperm health, fastern and poor sperm quality.

Healthy exercise

A male's ejaculation have normal health can contain up to 15-15 million sperm uncle. To maximize the number of elite in an ejaculation, expert Ashok Agarwal advised the husbands should sports training and physical labor.

Harvard University experts also affir4 to do to sperm health, fasterd, males frequently campaigning will have the number of sperm per ejaculate more than 33% in comparison with those who are less active. When the males hard lobbying will help burn fat and boost testosterone.

Limit the use of phone

Sperm formation in 12-14 hours of eggs while having both months to prepare. So, 4 to do to sperm health, fastern's lifestyle by day is extre4 to do to sperm health, fasterly important to get the healthy sperm. Experts in the United States national institutes of health recom4 to do to sperm health, fasternded that the husband should put the phone down by the electromagnetic waves from cell phones will reduce the mobility of the elite.

Avoid using lubricants

Lubricants like cervical mucus in wo4 to do to sperm health, fastern could help ease its mobile sperm in the fallopian tube and reach the egg. While the mucus in the cervix is extre4 to do to sperm health, fasterly important to moving sperm in the fallopian tube, the lubricant (even saliva) may also work in reverse and also affect the smoothness of the sensitive mucous. In addition we also change the pH in the vagina of wo4 to do to sperm health, fastern and even longer lubricant kills sperm.=



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